Shards 'n Snippets Summer 2014

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Fragments of History That Fit in a Pocket
Collectors Find Historical Value in Broken Glass
EVE M. KAHN JULY 31, 2014 New York Times link or click image . . .
Terra CottaNYtimes


... provided by Michael Padwee
Historic U.S. Tile Installations Website


E-News Autumn 2013

SL Lighthouse
Here’s What’s Below

Spring Lake Plaques Preserved

Flint Faience Fireplace
Finds New Home

What Goes Around Comes Around
Cecil Sanders’ Pomona Tile

“Airfield Dreams”
by Marlo Bartels

Capitalize the Founders Legacy

Founded in July 1987 Tile Heritage celebrates its 26th anniversary this year. Supporters like YOU... members, major contributors, industry sponsors, generous grantors... everyone... have made possible the continued fulfillment of the Foundation’s mission to Document and Preserve tile history in the U.S., both past and present. THANK YOU! Comments about E-News? Share them for posting!

Shards 'n Snippets Fall 2013

We're social … connect to Tile Heritage …….

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YES! Tile Heritage is FUNDRAISING to KEEP the Archival Legacy MORE ALIVE & in the PUBLIC EYE for posterity! Your contribution is valued and essential for a SPANKING NEW web-accessed archives and digital collections index which is under construction!
Please . . .
today . . .Thank you!
Contributions to Tile Heritage Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law.)


E-News Winter 2013


Here’s What’s Below
More Batchelder Tile Discoveries
Pratt & Larson Celebrate!
Muresque Masquerade
Teamwork at Ravenswood
More Mystery Tiles
Murals Reflect “Sustainability”
Silver City’s Clay Festival
Kate Brown’s Wild Ride
Silver City’s Heritage Windows
New Books & Publications
E-News in Print
Comments about E-News? Share them for posting!
