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MAJOR DONOR INQUIRIES: We have an additional two year Archiving Fulfillment plan with budgets outlined for 2016 & 2017. (Details are available in a formal Strategic Plan document. Want the details? Email: foundation@tileheritage.org
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I want to join by mail: PRINT FORM HERE!
Make a donation to the Doty Grant Fund* ( YOUR CONTRIBUTION FUNDS RESEARCH !)
* With an Annual Membership Contribution of $100 or more, we will link your website to THF!
All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
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See who Sponsors Tile Heritage Foundation
Benefits of Membership
As a member you will receive the THF Journal : Tile Heritage, A Review of American Tile History- published annually in the spring. In addition you will receive THF E-New & Shard 'n Snippets news from time to time keep you abreast of the current affairs of 'all things tilish!"
As a member of Tile Heritage you become an advocate for the identification and preservation of significant installations throughout the United States. You become a part of an international network of tile enthusiasts dedicated to preserving tiles, tile-related information and installations around the globe!
As a member you directly support the preservation of the archives and collections at the Tile Heritage Foundation, which feature publicly accessible information and examples representing U.S. tile makers, business records of selected dealers and installers, an extensive assortment of historic catalogs, periodicals and photography, all covering the last 150 years up to the present time.
You will be assisting in the continued development of a unique library of information and archival materials that are available to the public for purposes of research, restoration and preservation.
You are protecting the Tile Heritage archives; tiles and related materials represent one of the largest public collections in the country! The tiles, all properly accessioned, are available to galleries and museums for display and exhibitions as well as to members for personal examination.
As a member you have the opportunity to join with hundreds of others to build your personal 'archive for posterity' at Tile Heritage, adding to it at your convenience with information, images and tiles.
We offer you a free listing in the THF Resource Directory, which is revised annually and distributed nationally. We also offer opportunities to link your website to Tile Heritage!
Member discounts are offered on selected merchandise, services and events - all of which support and benefit the Foundation.
Tile Heritage keeps you connected with impartial tile news, multiple tile resources nationwide, information about new and old tile discoveries as well as special tile-related events.
Your participation as a member helps the Foundation provide ceramic education resources and links for teachers and community leaders nationwide. Education is the key to preservation as well as the future of tilemaking in America.
Your support is contributing to the preservation of a national treasure: tiles and other ceramic surfacing materials made and installed in the American tradition.
You are part of the Tile Heritage Family ... honoring the artistry of tile makers and installers of the past and present through the archiving of their achievements validates the work for posterity. The Foundation continues to develop and maintain this body of work as a living archive through applied technologies.
*The Doty Research Grant -Your contribution funds research!
The Doty Research Grant was established in 1992 to stimulate research in the field of ceramic tile history and conservation. Grants range from $500 to $5000 for any qualified individual who wishes to engage in primary research or in a preservation endeavor for the enhancement and protection of ceramic surfaces in the United States. Thus far more than $28,000 has been granted.These grants are funded entirely by donations from individuals and businesses, members of the Tile Heritage community who specifically contribute funds for this purpose in addition to their annual membership dues. Grant guidelines/applications are available at the Tile Heritage website. Your generosity makes this grant possible!

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