Shards 'n Snippets Summer 2014
19/08/14 12:12 Filed in: Shards 'n Snippets
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Fragments of History That Fit in a Pocket
Collectors Find Historical Value in Broken Glass
EVE M. KAHN JULY 31, 2014 New York Times link or click image . . .
... provided by Michael Padwee
Historic U.S. Tile Installations Website

Fragments of History That Fit in a Pocket
Collectors Find Historical Value in Broken Glass
EVE M. KAHN JULY 31, 2014 New York Times link or click image . . .
... provided by Michael Padwee
Historic U.S. Tile Installations Website

Josh Blanc with Sheila Menzies and Joe Taylor June 2014
Josh Blanc of Clay Squared to Infinity & founder of the Handmade Tile Association (Minneapolis MN) has joined the Tile Heritage Foundation Board of Directors.
Josh was invited to join the THF board earlier in June. When he asked why we had singled him out and extended the invitation we said . . .
“All of our current board members appreciate your fundamental nature of sharing and desiring to share information and ideas. You already have a core understanding of the mission of Tile Heritage – recording tile history, protecting historic tiles while validating contemporary tiles as well. You live and breath this mission with your own studio work and your tireless work with the HTA. In addition, you have a great sense of humor – an essential attribute in this world of too much ‘seriousness’! You get things done, you are relaxed, you understand and use social media and you are simpatico with others. Besides all that, you are intelligent, creative and willing to assist. In total, you represent all of the things an organization like Tile Heritage would want in a board member.”
Tile Heritage Foundation currently has a board of five active members. Josh takes the seat of Irene de Watteville, a long time board member (16 years) who has retired. Irene will remain as a Board Member Emeritus (non-voting). Tile Heritage is most grateful for her long service, exceptional financial support and deep interest in the Foundation’s archiving project into the future. Josh joins Riley Doty, Katia McGuirk, Joseph Taylor and Sheila Menzies as active board members of the Tile Heritage Foundation.
(Meet the THF Board)
An AMAZING tiled home in Mt. Vernon, Ohio . . . click the image or take a tour here . . .
Built in 1929, the owner was a distributor of Batchelder Tile, and this home is believed to have the largest collection of Batchelder Tile east of the Mississippi. You'll marvel at Batchelder fountains, fireplaces and other ornamental pieces, with the most amazing collection on display in the third-floor ballroom. It is a wonderful collection of Bachelder-Wilson tiles as well as Mueller Mosaic accents and the bathrooms appear to be Cambridge tile from the Cambridge-Wheatley Co. in Cincinnati. Here's a link to 100+ photos:
Our thanks to Tile Heritage member Cha-Rie Tang for sharing this wonderful site with us.
More Batchelder? . . . click on the image . . ..
or Take a look again at the video of some of the tiles in the Tile Heritage Foundation’s collection via video.
America’s ClayFest ll Exhibition April-May 2014
presented by Roseville’s Blue Line Arts and the Art League of Lincoln,
Catherine Schmid-Maybach of Reno, Nevada was awarded the Tile Heritage Prize.
Piece Title: “50”
Juror: Candace Groot
The Tile Heritage Prize is awarded to the artist whose tile in the juror’s opinion best represents the ceramic tile traditions in America. It’s a complex and wonderful piece....

WOWED by a wall in the Netherlands!
Dutch Power Plant is Completely Clad in Delftware Tiles!

. . . or a tiled trolley . . . . Lisbon, Portugal
... and find wonderful Portuguese Tiles in the USA!

. . . and a link from England . . .

. . .and more . . the history of tesselations
Two tessellations in the Alhambra.
Photo obtained from Gruban under the
Creative Commons' Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 license.
The Quest to Save LA's Century-Old Batchelder Tile Masterpiece. . .
. . . the story Curbed Features - Curbed LA Wednesday, July 9, 2014, by Liz Arnold

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What’s on the CALENDAR? .... a tile tour of course with THF board member and Tile Historian Extraordinaire, Riley Doty!
Sunday, July 20, 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Meet at Southeast corner of 17th & Webster Streets (at the Howden Building) Meet 15 minutes prior to the tour. We will explore twenty buildings—exhibiting a variety of styles—whose facades are clad with architectural ceramics. All were built between 1908 and 1931 during a period when fired pottery materials were used on the exteriors of many important structures. The nature of this medium will be examined, and its unique beauty highlighted. Emphasis will be given to its special needs in terms of maintenance, preservation, and restoration. Afterwards, from 3:00–3:30, take an optional tour of the inside of the Howden Building and view historic photos of the buildings seen on the walking tour. A level walk.—Riley Doty
. . . Send Tile Heritage your ‘Tile Tales’ and calendar items. . . email: Share pictures and stories of interesting installations, both historic and contemporary as well as restorations and other tile treasures! Submission guide lines
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This is THE class to take if you want to make large scale mosaics anywhere! Learn to make a whole mosaic in strategic coded sections in the studio, then install it onsite with no visible seams. And learn SO much more!! DATES & DETAILS
For a a print version copy of the
THF Annual Report for 2013 click here
Make a trip out of it! July 30th - August 3rd 2014
2014 Lecture Series
GIFT from the HE(ART)
JOIN IN! or click the image for membership details

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