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E-News for Winter 2012

Here’s What’s Below
Year of the Dragon
Here’s Who We Are
Dragons Extracted from Fire
Majestic Facade Preserved
Handcraft Revival
Swimming Pool Restoration
Notes on Batchelder’s Backs
Hamilton Pottery: New Discovery
Historic Tile Lectures at NCECA
Buss Wins Tile Heritage Prize
ATNW Tile Festival
Tile Maker Directories
Payne Creations


E-News for Spring 2011

Here’s What’s Below
“O Best Beloved” Wins
“Literary” tile show in Tacoma

Lewing’s New Direction
Mosaic Art NOW 2011
Palm Trees in New Jersey?
Share Your Stories
Jenny Dowd Wins THF Prize
Kaszas Bath for Birds
True’s Mosaics in Haiti
Flint Faience Preserved
Tunisian Tile Treasure
An Air of Optimism Permeates the Industry !
E-News Printable Version
