Donate to THF!

Donate to THF!

How DID Tile Heritage come to be?
Thirty five years ago, around the first few days of January 1987, Tile Heritage Foundation was
conceived . . . .

Want to know more about Tile Heritage? Quick link …CHECK HERE!
Useful Industry-wide Services to connect to: quick PDF link

THANK YOU! . . .
Sponsors, Members, Grantors, Advocates and Friends!
We are most appreciative of all your support and financial gifts. Support of Tile Heritage honors the American Tile Community both Past & Present as well as assisting in growing the Publicly Accessible Archives that we protect. Your support strengthens the Foundation!

With our gratitude,
Sheila Menzies & Joe Taylor, THF Staff, Volunteers & Board of Directors

Sponsor banner 2021POST


Ways to SUPORT Tile Heritage

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Buy and Sell on eBay for Tile Heritage Foundation!
You can support Tile Heritage when you buy or sell on eBay, with the eBay Giving Works program.
Tile Heritage Foundation is part of the eBay Giving Works program. You can support the THF mission when you buy and sell on eBay. Here’s how:
Buy! You can find whatever you're looking for on eBay – from memorabilia to motor cars and more! When you do, shop for items that benefit us. You can get a great deal and support the THF Mission to preserve and protect tiles and tile history at the same time! Shop now to support Tile Heritage Foundation!

How to sell on eBay Giving Works
Turn your eBay listings into a force for good with eBay Giving Works. With each listing you can pledge to donate from 10% to 100%* of an item's final sale price to Tile Heritage Foundation and get a pro-rated fee credit on your Insertion fee and Final Value fees when your listing sells.

This is YOUR Foundation . . . your support is appreciated! . . . other ways to contribute . . .

Join Tile Heritage . . .

Buy Historic Tile Catalogs . . .

Visit the THF LOGO Apparel & Accessories Store!


Donate to THF

Please Participate!
Join with others who already embrace their “Tile Heritage”… we have supporters who volunteer, sponsor, advocate and gift the Foundation.


DONATIONS to THF keep the Archives Index growing by ‘Leaps and Bounds’!
