Kathy Meyer
Meet The Board of THF
30/06/24 18:11 Filed in: Meet the Board of THF
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Founded in July 1987 . Supporters, industry sponsors, members, major contributors, grantors, advocates … everyone… have made possible the continued fulfillment of the Foundation's mission to Document and Preserve tile history in the US both past and present. Link to: The Relevance of Tile Heritage Today
…… the MOST VALUABLE ASSETT of the Foundation ……..
the Tile Heritage BOARD OF DIRECTORS, our governing body!

Founded in July 1987 . Supporters, industry sponsors, members, major contributors, grantors, advocates … everyone… have made possible the continued fulfillment of the Foundation's mission to Document and Preserve tile history in the US both past and present. Link to: The Relevance of Tile Heritage Today
…… the MOST VALUABLE ASSETT of the Foundation ……..
the Tile Heritage BOARD OF DIRECTORS, our governing body!