Shards 'n Snippets Fall 2013
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YES! Tile Heritage is FUNDRAISING to KEEP the Archival Legacy MORE ALIVE & in the PUBLIC EYE for posterity! Your contribution is valued and essential for a SPANKING NEW web-accessed archives and digital collections index which is under construction!
Please . . .

today . . .Thank you!
Contributions to Tile Heritage Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law.)

Some of our Cheerleaders! . . .Salutations from THF Supporters & Friends

Artisan Tile North West (ATNW) October 4th 2013 This years Curated Show Theme: North West Natives. Winner of the Tile Heritage Prize: Jaki Reed Juror; Cliff Schultz, Owner, Art Tile Company Inc., Seattle, WA. The Tile Heritage Prize “awarded to the artist in the exhibition whose tile in the juror’s opinion best represents the ceramic tile traditions in America.” Click here for more about this event and the ATNW organization.

Tile Heritage has been introduced to this interesting artist recently. Click on the image to find out about the story behind his Barnes Museum Great Room mural. “I See My Work As The Juncture of Painting, Sculpture and Drawing" Jonathan Mandell..... Find out more about his work.
THF Tile Industry Sponsors Gallery Links
THF Supporters and Members

THF Member Stephanie Osser shared this fun, whimsy and music!
Guldagergaard, Denmark
International Ceramic Research Center 2012
In September and October 2012 Stephanie was invited for a second residency at Guldagergaard, the International Ceramic Research Center in the charming town of Skælskør, Denmark. Her focus was on transferring her illustrations to clay with silk-screening and decals… Stephanie makes tiles, creates architectural ceramic pieces, sculpture and more...
THF member Phyllis Pacin has two raku (3-D-llusional) wall works in the “What Goes Bump in the Night” exhibit at the Victor F. Keen Gallery, Las Vegas, NV during the month of October. This is an annual show with a Halloween theme.

. . .and “Sometimes Architourist”. . .
Historic U.S. Tile Installations Website
From Peter King & Xinia Marin
REVEAL of the Gulf Breeze Arch….

Find Tile Heritage at Special Events!
click either image for details…..

Black Gold: Thar’s Oil In Them Thar Walls
By Lillian Sizemore (
(Article from MOSAIC ART NOW)
In May 2012, when the renowned Wilshire Grand Hotel in Los Angeles was slated to close its doors for good, the owners ran a huge liquidation sale—the entire contents of the hotel went up for grabs. The hotel changed hands over the years, originally the Statler—then Statler-Hilton, then Omni, and finally the Wilshire Grand— remained one of the “see and be-seen” hotspots of the midcentury atomic age. READ THE FULL STORY . .
JUMP IN to help FUND the Tile Heritage Archives in REACHING the next level.
CREATING an online DIGITAL INDEX of information on file DESIGNED to KEEP the
Your contribution is valued and essential for a THF web-accessed archives and collections index!
THF is focused on an ambitious goal - raising an additional $15,000. by December 31st., 2013
for this purpose - MATCHING AN ANONYMOUS GIFT!
We also have an additional two year Archiving Fulfillment plan with budgets outlined for 2014 & 2015.
(Details are available in a formal Strategic Plan document. E-mail for details:
Tile Heritage is celebrating 26 years of gathering the History of the American Tile Industry - PRESERVING IT FOR POSTERITY.To date Sponsor, Member and Grant FUNDING accomplishments include:
• Digitizing and forming a searchable database for the sizable slide and photography collection of over 42,000 images.
• Digitally recorded, accessioned and archived historic tiles that have been donated to Tile Heritage over the past 26 years, representing a collection numbering over 4,000 different American tiles.
• Accessioned and archived the historic tile catalog collection of over 600 items as well as the collection of over 3000 historic and contemporary periodicals.
Now our full focus in on the ephemeral (historic tile industry documents) files that contain roughly 40,000+ items. Work is underway, under the direction of a volunteer professional archivist, THF staff and other volunteers preparing the material for a database and an internet accessed finding-aid index.
There are many ways to assist! Check out the ‘MENU”
click here for a MAIL-IN print version "Wish List" for Donors
See who Sponsors Tile Heritage Foundation!
Join in! Email:
Send Tile Heritage your ‘Tile Tales’ - Share pictures of interesting installations both historic and contemporary as well as restorations and other tile treasures! Submission guide lines