Donate to THF!
How DID Tile Heritage come to be?
Thirty five years ago, around the first few days of January 1987, Tile Heritage Foundation was conceived . . . .

Want to know more about Tile Heritage? Quick link …CHECK HERE!
Useful Industry-wide Services to connect to: quick PDF link
THANK YOU! . . . Sponsors, Members, Grantors, Advocates and Friends!
We are most appreciative of all your support and financial gifts. Support of Tile Heritage honors the American Tile Community both Past & Present as well as assisting in growing the Publicly Accessible Archives that we protect. Your support strengthens the Foundation!
With our gratitude,
Sheila Menzies & Joe Taylor, THF Staff, Volunteers & Board of Directors
Embrace & preserve the ‘story’ of American tile for posterity!
Tile Heritage Foundation, 30 Years young!
How do I love thee? Let me count the practical ways that I can help you . . .
Every GIFT is a PERFECT one and matches $$$ of our grant . . . THANK YOU!

Want to know more about Tile Heritage? Quick link …CHECK HERE!
Useful Industry-wide Services to connect to … or a quick PDF link
The Archives and Collections of the Tile Heritage Foundation . . . The preservation and protection
of American tile history is supported by many companies and individuals in the industry . . .
. . . in a nutshell . . . what IS Tile Heritage Foundation all about? CHECK HERE!
Please Participate!
Join with others who already embrace their “Tile Heritage”… we have supporters who volunteer, sponsor, advocate and gift the Foundation. . .
THANK YOU ! for the success you have assisted in creating - protecting TILE HISTORY for posterity . . .Tile Heritage Documents, Protects, Preserves, Ceramic Surfaces in America!
Tiles tell tales! Your inspirations and life stories, the crafting of tiles and installations, the challenges of showroom encounters, the scholarly research in the field. Appreciate too the work and innovations of those who have come before us during centuries past! These stories are among the 40,000+ documents and 40,000+ images preserved for posterity at Tile Heritage.
We continue to broaden the request for support in 2019 to add more staff hours for the all-important, archiving data entry project that will allow public access to the THF Archives Index! A most exciting, long term project that has been ‘under construction’ in a dedicated way for quite a few years.

Dear Supporters & Tile Prize Donors . . . Thank you for donating to the THF end of summer fundraising campaign, “Fishing for $$$ Derby to Match $10,000 in Grant Funds.”
We reached just over $4,000 of our proposed matching fund goal but we do retain however much we match and that is AWESOME!
Purpose:Assist in funding 8 months of Archiving Staff Assistance at THF . . . and you did!
Your generous contributions are highly valued …
Six FAB Tile Prizes were contributed to the fundraiser by generous tile artists from across the country! Carrie Anne Parks, Joan Gardiner/Unison Pottery and Tile, Motawi Tileworks, Pratt & Larson, Jaki Reed/Youthful Folly Studio, and Patricia Tolton
Six names were drawn in the Fab Fish Tile Prize drawing – which held all donors names.
All of the winners have expressed great pleasure at winning a FAB Tile Prize! Everyone who donated will be listed in our Supporters web page!
With warm thanks and appreciation!
Sheila & Joe
for THF
With warm thanks and appreciation!
Sheila & Joe
for THF

DONATIONS to THF keep the Archives Index growing by ‘Leaps and Bounds’!
On-going-APPEAL 2018
WE WANT THE THF DIGITAL INDEX* TO GO LIVE ONLINE! Please continue to HELP FUND our THF part-time DATA ENTRY staff person! Your DONATION is really valuable!
Summer fundraising in support of our additional staff person provided just over $4000 in matching funds for a grant we received.
With your generous assistance donations reached $8,888 in 2015 End-of-Year contributions . . . really awesome! We now have a part-time paid hours, additional staff person!
*A Feather in our Cap! Tile Heritage Archives been accepted as a contributor by the Online Archive of California (OAC) which will provide access to our archives index nationwide and beyond!
The vision and goal of Tile Heritage is to assist in the preservation of ceramic surfaces in America: its legendary history, significant installations, as well as the objects themselves - validating tile art for posterity.
The Archives and Collections of the Tile Heritage Foundation . . . The preservation and protection
of American tile history is supported by many companies and individuals in the industry . . .
Want to know more about Tile Heritage? Quick link …CHECK HERE!
Useful Industry-wide Services to connect to … or a quick PDF link
MAJOR DONOR INQUIRIES: We have an additional two year Archiving Fulfillment plan with budgets outlined for 2017 & 2018. (Details are available in a formal Strategic Plan document. Want the details? Email:
Tiles tell tales! Your inspirations and life stories, the crafting of tiles and installations, the challenges of showroom encounters, the scholarly research in the field. Appreciate too the work and innovations of those who have come before us during centuries past! These stories are among the 40,000+ documents and 40,000+ images preserved for posterity at Tile Heritage.
Tile Heritage Foundation NEEDS to replace some
12 year old computer and printer equipment . .
. . . THANK YOU! Everyone can help . . .
*DONATE today please!
All contributions are fully tax deductible as allowed by law.
*DONATIONS of $100 and above qualify you to have your name
in a random drawing for this AMAZING Tile Mural - details below.
"Lapinology" - gifted to Tile Heritage for this fundraiser by Irène de Watteville,
'Maestra of Majolica Tile & Sculpture.' This wonderful collectible piece is 12 x 16 x 3 ins.
& fitted with an EZ Hanger. MORE ABOUT THE ARTIST and piece . . .
The Mural Story: A sweet rabbit whispers in the ear of a lonely young lady the secrets of the Rabbit World, where life is not 'detestable' - one can read, ride a bicycle, pick cherries, climb trees, do circus acts and even climb the moon. She is very lost, as one of her dear rabbits lies recuperating on a satin pillow after a tragic mishap of his severed ear. Will the 'Rabbitman à la Neptune' come to console and court her?
The Archives and Collections of the Tile Heritage Foundation . . . The preservation and protection
of American tile history is supported by many companies and individuals in the industry . . .
Want to know more about Tile Heritage? Quick link …CHECK HERE!
Useful Industry-wide Services to connect to … or a quick PDF link
MAJOR DONOR INQUIRIES: We have an additional two year Archiving Fulfillment plan with budgets outlined for 2016 & 2017. (Details are available in a formal Strategic Plan document. Want the details? Email:
* Fund the Legacy of Tile History* Capitalizing the Collections for Posterity
* Help continue to build the digital Finding-Aid Index providing online Public Access!
MAJOR DONOR INQUIRIES:We have an additional two year Archiving Fulfillment plan with budgets outlined for 2015 & 2016.(Details are available in a formal Strategic Plan document. Email:
Sponsorship, Membership and Donations Secures the Founders Legacy of Tile History!
Your contribution is valued and essential
for the THF web-accessed index!
To date Sponsor, Member Gift and Grant FUNDING accomplishments include:
• Digitizing and forming a searchable database for the sizable slide and photography collection
of over 42,000 images.
• Digitally recorded, accessioned and archived historic tiles that have been donated to Tile Heritage
over the past 28 years, representing a collection numbering over 4,000 different American tiles.
• Accessioned and archived the historic tile catalog collection of over 600 items as well as the collection of over 2700 historic and contemporary periodicals.
Now our full focus in on the ephemeral (historic & contemporary tile industry documents) files that contain roughly 40,000+ items. Work is underway, under the direction of a volunteer professional archivist, THF staff and other volunteers preparing the material and developing the database of the internet accessed finding-aid index which will be an active link in the weeks ahead!
Make a DONATION today . . . tTHANK YOU!
(Contributions to Tile Heritage Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law.)
Tile Heritage Foundation P.O. Box 1850, Healdsburg CA 95448
Phone: 707-431-8453 Fax: 707-431-8455

You can support Tile Heritage when you buy or sell on eBay, with the eBay Giving Works program.
Tile Heritage Foundation is part of the eBay Giving Works program. You can support the THF mission when you buy and sell on eBay. Here’s how:
Buy! You can find whatever you're looking for on eBay – from memorabilia to motor cars and more! When you do, shop for items that benefit us. You can get a great deal and support the THF Mission to preserve and protect tiles and tile history at the same time! Shop now to support Tile Heritage Foundation!
How to sell on eBay Giving Works
Turn your eBay listings into a force for good with eBay Giving Works. With each listing you can pledge to donate from 10% to 100%* of an item's final sale price to Tile Heritage Foundation and get a pro-rated fee credit on your Insertion fee and Final Value fees when your listing sells.
This is YOUR Foundation . . . your support is appreciated! . . . other ways to contribute . . .
Join Tile Heritage . . .
Buy Historic Tile Catalogs . . .
Visit the THF LOGO Apparel & Accessories Store!
Tile Heritage Foundation, features publicly accessible information and examples representing U.S. tile makers, business records of selected dealers and installers, an extensive assortment of historic catalogs, periodicals and photography, all covering the last 150 years up to the present time.
The Foundation’s website also features a Contemporary Tile Gallery of THF Sponsors & Member’s sites.
You will be assisting in the continued development of a unique library of information and archival materials that are available to the public for purposes of research, restoration and preservation.
The Tile Heritage archives, tiles and related materials represent one of the largest public collections in the country! The tile collection and image library, all properly accessioned, are available to galleries and museums for display and exhibitions as well as to members and the public for personal examination.
THF Educational Resources
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