( Above, a collage of some of the Foundation’s current and past valued volunteers. Top row left to right: Sunny McLean, Jim Hamilton, Irene de Watteville, Alyssa Stephens, Karim Motawi, Janet Panozzo, Brechelle Ware, Gail Jonas, Riley Doty, Dale Wiley, Katia McGuirk, Alistair Hamilton, Donna Billick, Joe Taylor, Sheila Menzies, Vance Koehler.)
Volunteers are a vital force at Tile Heritage . . .
. . . and there are many VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES!
Together every year volunteers contribute hundreds of hours of their time.
With dedicated assistance during these past twenty-five years
Tile Heritage Foundation thrives!
And we can really use YOUR help as well! Some volunteer tasks are ‘on location’ at the THF Archives & Library in Healdsburg, CA and other tasks are accomplished via techno-connection as well as in different venues across the country….. some volunteering involves one-time events and others involve longer term commitments to ongoing projects. There are tasks that require technical skills as well as jobs that require no previous experience.
CLICK! full details and sign up on-line to volunteer . . .
If you prefer, we have a print sign-up posted as well! MAIL to: THF P.O. Box 1850, Healdsburg CA 95448 or FAX to: 707 (431) 8455
(If after reviewing the volunteer details you are not quite sure where you'd best fit in but want to volunteer, please feel free to contact THF: foundation@tileheritage.org )