Shards 'n Snippits Summer 2024

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Founded in July 1987 . Supporters, industry sponsors, members, major contributors, grantors, advocates … everyone… have made possible the continued fulfillment of the Foundation's mission to Document and Preserve tile history in the US both past and present. Link to: The Relevance of Tile Heritage Today
With the 2024 Flooring Sustainability Summit fast approaching, we wanted to extend a final invitation to attend this first-of-its-kind event. PROGRAM DETAILS & REGISTRATION!
Co-hosted by TCNA, NALFA, NSI and NWFA, the Summit will unite the flooring industry with architects and designers, policymakers, purchasers and more, with the common goal of advancing sustainable building practices.
 Summit Sponsors
Among the key topics covered, attendees can expect dynamic discussions around health and material reporting, green building standardization, and alignment on embodied carbon.

S. O. S.: Teco Murals at the University of Illinois Endangered!
An investigative report by the Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette revealed that the University of Illinois, across the next decade, but starting soon, is going to demolish a whole series of buildings on campus and that the first to go “on the chopping block”  ― to borrow the report’s headline ― is the Vivarium Building (1915-16) (illus. 1), which is flanked on its east and west façades at the second-story level by two magnificent, near-identical Teco murals depicting roiling carp overtopped by a rolling wave, all glazed in sumptuous ‘Teco green’. PRESERVING THESE HISTORICALLY VALUABLE CERAMIC MURALS NEEDS YOUR ASSISTANCE! Full Information provided by Dr. Richard Mohr. CLICK For the FULL STORY . You can help to preserve these murals simply by writing a two or three sentence e-letter to the Chancellor of the University:
Robert J. Jones, Chancellor

Cary Public Art: Brick Sculptures Bring Charm to Black Creek Greenway, Cary, NC.
In his public art series called, “The Arts Alfresco,” Brad Spencer uses brick, a classic industrial building material, to create something that truly defies what people expect of it.
Read the full story here or click the image!

Calendars/Events /Workshops

Calendar etc.1-2024


TILE HISTORY evolves every day . . . Tile Heritage Foundation is here to RECORD it!

With the 2024 Flooring Sustainability Summit fast approaching, we wanted to extend a final invitation to attend this first-of-its-kind event. PROGRAM DETAILS & REGISTRATION!
Co-hosted by TCNA, NALFA, NSI and NWFA, the Summit will unite the flooring industry with architects and designers, policymakers, purchasers and more, with the common goal of advancing sustainable building practices.
 Summit Sponsors
Among the key topics covered, attendees can expect dynamic discussions around health and material reporting, green building standardization, and alignment on embodied carbon.


Meet The Board of THF

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Founded in July 1987 . Supporters, industry sponsors, members, major contributors, grantors, advocates … everyone… have made possible the continued fulfillment of the Foundation's mission to Document and Preserve tile history in the US both past and present. Link to: The Relevance of Tile Heritage Today

…… the MOST VALUABLE ASSETT of the Foundation ……..
the Tile Heritage BOARD OF DIRECTORS, our governing body!

Tile Heritage Branding Post READ MORE ....

E-News Spring 2024

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we're social … connect to Tile Heritage ……. share this site... Thank you!
Founded in July 1987 . Supporters, industry sponsors, members, major contributors, grantors, advocates … everyone… have made possible the continued fulfillment of the Foundation's mission to Document and Preserve tile history in the US both past and present. Link to: The Relevance of Tile Heritage Today
Spring 2024 "E-News" (Click the IMAGE!)
E-New Spring 2024 CC
Tile Heritage Legacy Friends Planned Giving
Questions? EMAIL:

Planned Giving 300dpi image
STEWARDSHIP: What are the current vital educational activities of the Tile Heritage Foundation? LEARN MORE!

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SPONSORS Tile Heritage ....
THF Sponsor Post
