Shards 'n Snippits
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Founded in July 1987 . Supporters, industry sponsors, members, major contributors, grantors, advocates … everyone… have made possible the continued fulfillment of the Foundation's mission to Document and Preserve tile history in the US both past and present. Link to: The Relevance of Tile Heritage Today
Our sincere THANKS to ALL who contributed to the $9,795 "MATCH $10,000 in GRANT FUNDS" in December 2024!
We are MOST appreciative!
Tile Heritage Sponsorship, Membership, Grants & Gifts support
THF archival development, publishing, day-to-day functional
expenses and funding for the Foundation's present & future.
Build your legacy by opening a file in the
Tile Heritage Foundation archives!
WOW! … Not forgotten…. "Deep Station" by Donna Dennis . . go underground with Dennis’s seminal work, which she describes as a subway station at the “bottom of the world.” Originally created in the ’80s—the last in the artist’s series of subway sculptures—Deep Station is at once familiar and uncanny. Inspired by New York’s MTA stations, Dennis likens these underground structures to “tectonic plates” in their subterranean power. The work eerily recalls how the world has changed so much, and yet, not at all. DETAILS
S. O. S.: Teco Murals at the University of Illinois Endangered!
An investigative report by the Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette revealed that the University of Illinois, across the next decade, but starting soon, is going to demolish a whole series of buildings on campus and that the first to go “on the chopping block” ― to borrow the report’s headline ― is the Vivarium Building (1915-16) (illus. 1), which is flanked on its east and west façades at the second-story level by two magnificent, near-identical Teco murals depicting roiling carp overtopped by a rolling wave, all glazed in sumptuous ‘Teco green’. PRESERVING THESE HISTORICALLY VALUABLE CERAMIC MURALS NEEDS YOUR ASSISTANCE! Full Information provided by Dr. Richard Mohr. CLICK For the FULL STORY . You can help to preserve these murals simply by writing a two or three sentence e-letter to the Chancellor of the University:
Robert J. Jones, Chancellor Email:
Here is a LINK to the letter Tile Heritage wrote to the Chancellor
Cary Public Art: Brick Sculptures Bring Charm to Black Creek Greenway, Cary, NC.
In his public art series called, “The Arts Alfresco,” Brad Spencer uses brick, a classic industrial building material, to create something that truly defies what people expect of it.
Read the full story here or click the image!

TILE HERITAGE WILL BE THERE! … and our SINCERE THANKS to THF Sponsors/TSP organizers NTCA, CTDA, TCNA & TCAA for making that possible!
…..find Tile Heritage at the TSP Table Top event Monday, October 28th. 4.30 - 7.30 pm. The Table Top booth is staffed by THF Board Member Katia McGuirk ( Exec. Dir. of the TileWorks of Bucks County) and THF Ways & Means committee member Cynthia (Cindy) Smith ( Content & Creative Manager at Tile Council of North America)

Media Contact: Cecilia Lopez
Here are a couple of mages from the Flooring Sustainability Summit - this first-of-its-kind event. PROGRAM DETAILS “We’re thrilled with the turnout” said Bill Griese, Deputy Executive Director of Tile Council of North America (TCNA), a co-host of the summit.

Co-hosted by TCNA, NALFA, NSI and NWFA, the Summit united the flooring industry with architects and designers, policymakers, purchasers and more, with the common goal of advancing sustainable building practices.

Among the key topics covered, attendees were exposed to dynamic discussions around health and material reporting, green building standardization, and alignment on embodied carbon. PROGRAM DETAILS
Tile Heritage Legacy Friends Planned Giving
Questions? EMAIL:

STEWARDSHIP: What are the current vital educational activities of the Tile Heritage Foundation? LEARN MORE!

The Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF) provides education and installer certification for professionals working in the ceramic tile and stone industry. The CTEF Certified Tile Installer (CTI) program is the only third-party assessment of installer skills and knowledge that is recognized by the tile industry.
Take advantage of resources and educational opportunities from ALL of your TILE INDUSTRY Organizations - all SPONSOR & SUPPORT the Tile Heritage Foundation TODAY & for POSTERITY!

A FREE Program of Tile Heritage Foundation -
Archive materials related to your company's history for posterity in the THF Archive and Finding Aid Index.

Photography, promotional materials, correspondence and other important items will be kept safe for posterity. Digital images of documented installations are also encouraged.
Contact Tile Heritage
Email: Phone: 707.431.8453
The Foundation's archive validates the historic & current use of tile.The archive reflects the accomplishments of the Tile Industry!
Here's a current list of Contemporary Companies with folders in the Tile Heritage Archives! YOU can be one of them.. click on the image below for details or scan the QR code or email:
CLICK if you are curious about what HISTORIC TILE COMPANIES are listed in the THF Archives.
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