Shards 'n Snippets Spring into Summer 2016
31/08/16 21:51 Filed in: Shards 'n Snippets
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RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — Adriana Varejão isn’t afraid of a little blood. In fact, much of her work uses the austerity of blue and white tile combined with suggestions of gore and violence to confront uncomfortable, tragic historical topics such as slavery and colonialism. Varejão isn’t content to let these things stay buried. She’s honest, recognizing that the grotesque, shameful violence from the past is running under the hood of our modern lives. You don’t get to appreciate her blue and white tile without acknowledging where it came from; that’s the cost of admission.

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RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — Adriana Varejão isn’t afraid of a little blood. In fact, much of her work uses the austerity of blue and white tile combined with suggestions of gore and violence to confront uncomfortable, tragic historical topics such as slavery and colonialism. Varejão isn’t content to let these things stay buried. She’s honest, recognizing that the grotesque, shameful violence from the past is running under the hood of our modern lives. You don’t get to appreciate her blue and white tile without acknowledging where it came from; that’s the cost of admission.
Brazil’s Olympic swimming stadium.

With that in mind, the Olympics committee in Brazil made a very bold choice when they selected Varejão to create the facade of the swimming stadium for the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro. Drawing on her aquatic works such as Celacanto Provoca Maremoto (2004-2008) at Centro de Arte Contemporanea Inhotim in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Varejão is creating a sea scene for the stadium. From a distance (and even up close, from what we’ve read) it appears as though the building is covered in cracked, weatherworn tile. But in fact, according to the New York Times.
(What appears to be ancient, cracked decorative tile is actually a scrim of 66 panels of perforated canvas, each 90 feet high — the largest contemporary artwork commissioned for Rio 2016. And the blue-and-white work is steeped in a complicated past that is typical of its creator, Adriana Varejão, the revered Rio artist.)
Retrospective - A new website created and maintained
by the Wagner Granizo Family:
Beautiful Public Tile Art at Alpine Library, Alpine CA
Completed in April 2016 by THF Member Betsy Schulz of Del Mar CA
Located in Alpine, California, the sculpted ceramic art pieces created for the Alpine Library celebrate the community's natural environment and history. The art consists of one 2-1/2' tall x 15' long piece, and eight circles ranging from 1' to 3' in diameter. Betsy worked closely with the Friends of the Alpine Library and the Alpine Historical Society to gather information for the project.
Click here or on the image below for full details and many images of the project!

Dunis Studios designed and executed this large mural for the San Antonio Water System. It depicts the history of water in San Antonio and is installed along the San Antonio Riverwalk at the Briscoe Museum.

The Briscoe Museum posted: "In 1764, Captain Don Luis Menchaca created a map of the Ojo de Agua, now known as the Blue Hole, which is where the San Antonio River springs from the underground aquifer. At the bend of the river, where the Witte Museum now stands, the Spanish and the Indians of the Province of Texas built the Diversion Dam to channel the river water to the massive Acequia Madre. The water flowed through farmlands on its journey to Presidio de San Antonio de Bexar and eventually to Mission San Antonio de Valero. Today, thanks to a generous gift from Susan Toomey Frost, the new tile mural - created by Dunis Studios - was installed outside the Mays Family Center depicting the Menchaca map. The map and the mural underscore the importance of the location of the Witte to the history of San Antonio." More installation images.
Keep TILE PRESERVATION in situ to the fore!

Susan Tunick of Friends of Terra Cotta and Michael Padwee are asking individuals and organizations who are interested in the preservation of historic architectural ceramics to send a postcard or a letter to the commissioner imploring him to designate Landmark Status to the Empire State Dairy, 2840-44 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn.
Write to:
Chair Meenakshi Srinivasan
NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
1 Centre Street. 9th Floor N
New York, NY 10007
Michael says, "For seventeen years I have been trying to get the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission to landmark the large, exterior tile panels on the building in the hope that the murals would be protected. The LPC has been totally unresponsive over the years. These murals are probably the largest still-existing majolica tile panels created by the American Encaustic Tiling Company and its artistic director, Leon Solon. They are over one-hundred years old, and have survived in good condition probably because of their position on the building."
Brownstone recently spoke with Michael Padwee about the history of these tiles, as well as his strong feelings about the East New York rezoning. ...more on the story .... or click the image. (on Michael's site scroll all the way down to the mural images to read more of the story)
… and more new information…. below and at Michael Padwee's blog
Uptown Radio, a Columbia University station ran a four minute story
… and ..News12, a local Brooklyn cable news channel ran a story taped at the building site:

More from Michael Padwee's blog "Egyptian, Moorish, and Middle Eastern motifs were considered exotic to North American eyes in the 1920s. Tutankhamun’s tomb had recently been discovered, causing a decorative interest in everything Egyptian, and the popularity and growth of Fraternal organizations that used Moorish, Egyptian and Middle Eastern motifs helped to increase this interest in the general population. From the 1920s to the early 1930s a number of Art Deco buildings in New York City were built using Egyptian, Moorish, and other Middle Eastern motifs"….. MORE DETAILS
Coverings, the largest global tile & stone exposition in North America, has scheduled an exceptionally comprehensive conference program of notable and respected speakers to present on a number of topics at the forefront of industry conversation. The 2016 conference program will be comprised of more than 70 sessions, addressing a broad range of crucial topics facing the tile and stone industry, when the show takes place April 18-21, 2016 at McCormick Place in Chicago … and find out what's happening at Tile Heritage Foundation …come to Coverings April 18-21st It's FREE to REGISTER

National Tile Contractors Association is looking for
a Technical Representative/Presenter/Trainer.
. . . also from NTCA …This is a super
ceramic tile educational resource ..
utilize it today! here's the link or click the image!