Shards 'n Snippets Spring 2014
20/06/14 13:55 Filed in: Shards 'n Snippets
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A wonderful exhibition on Gustavino Tiles in New York - thru September 7th 2014!
Arelious Walker Staircase San Francisco
Arelious Walker Staircase
When: July 2, 2014 - Wednesday
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Innes Avenue and Arelious Walker Drive, San Francisco
What: Join Supervisor Malia Cohen, San Francisco Public Works and the San Francisco Arts Commission - ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Arelious Walker Staircase.
A GIFT from the HE(ART)
JOIN IN! or click the image for membership details

From the THF Archives (
Carmel Kiln Company Tiles Bake Bread
Bakers have always known about the virtues of old fashioned brick ovens. Breads baked in this time proven way have beautiful golden crust, a rich grain flavor and an earthy aroma that permeates the kitchen. Inspired by the rewards of creating, baking and savoring brick oven breads, the Carmel Kiln Company of Carmel, California produced a unique ceramic surface, copyrighted in 1977, known as The Greatful Bread Plate to assure complete circulation of oven heat around the dough causing perfect rising and uniform baking. There is nothing like the satisfaction of baking bread from scratch using the variety of natural ingredients available today.

Brioche Ingredients:
- 2 envelopes dry yeast
- ¼ cup warm water (115 degrees)
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 1 cup scalded milk
- ¾ cup melted butter
- 3 whole eggs
- ¾ teaspoon salt
- 1/3 cup vanilla sugar
- 5 cups unbleached white flour
Combine yeast, water and brown sugar. Cover and let stand in warm place. In large mixing bowl, combine 1 cup scalded milk, 1/3 cup vanilla sugar, ¾ tsp. salt, 3 well-beaten whole eggs (hold out small amount of beaten eggs for glaze), ¾ cup melted butter and frothy yeast mixture. Then, gradually add 5 cups unbleached white flour and blend in at intervals until a semi-soft dough is formed and clears sides of bowl.
Knead dough on floured surface until velvety (6-8 minutes). Place in large bowl that has been lightly greased with butter. Cover bowl with damp cloth and place in warm spot to fully rise (90 to 120 minutes). Knead dough about one minute, then roll out into sausage shaped tube. Divide into 20 balls about 2” in diameter with about ¾ of the dough. With the remaining ¼ divide into balls about ¾” in diameter. Spread cornmeal onto Greatful Bread Plate and put in cold oven. Set oven at 350 degrees with empty Greatful Bread Plate in it. While oven is preheating, use sharp knife to make cross-like incision on top of each large ball. Paint large ball with the egg glaze. Insert small ball on top and glaze entire brioche. Let them rise to about twice their size before baking.
Place brioche on Greatful Bread Plate to bake. Bake only 10 or 12 brioche at a time allowing enough room for expansion, For a crustier brioche, after 10 minutes of baking, spray water from a plant sprayer (or something similar) toward top of oven. The brioche should appear thoroughly baked after 20 minutes or so. Remove from the oven, place on a rack to cool, enjoy!
THF invites you to share illustrative pictures and favorite recipes for clay, glaze, tile making or kitchen treats with other readers.
MAY 17-18th 2014
Interested in being a vendor? Email:
(click image on left for more details)
Once again this year the Tile Heritage Foundation is seeking donations of tiles to show and sell at “Tile Festival 2014,” the 16th annual sale at the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works in Doylestown, Pennsylvania on May 17th & 18th. The tiles you donate will be on public display and will be sold. The proceeds from the sale will assist in sustaining the Foundation’s archives. All donors' names will be listed on the THF website!
The exhibition of these tiles creates a unique venue where your work will be seen by hundreds of tile enthusiasts. The Tile Heritage table always creates excitement as the variety of artistic talent on display is unsurpassed at every festival. Revenues from these festivals represent a major financial resource of the Tile Heritage Foundation, and we wish to thank everyone who has contributed tiles over the past 23 years. CLICK HERE for a DONATION FORM
Reminder: ship by May 12th to ensure delivery in time! To: Adam Zayas, MPTW, 130 East Swamp Rd., Doylestown, PA 18901 (and please mark the outside of the box “THF”). Tiles will also be gladly accepted at the Festival. One more thing: Tile Donors are listed at the THF website! and scroll down. As you’ll see, this is indeed an impressive showing! FYI: those donors who are highlighted and linked are current THF members who contribute $100 or more each year. Thank you all! It will be our pleasure showing off your work!!
Spring 2014 E-Newsletter from Friends of the Hidden Garden Steps
“Hidden Garden Steps in San Francisco Named Street Park of the Month “ READ MORE!
Find Tile Heritage HERE - in the AMERICAN PAVILION
Booth # 9061 - Click image for details - we look forward to seeing you there!

From Tile Historian Michael Padwee’s “Tiles in New York blogspot”

Movie Palaces-Part 2: The Loews 175th Street Theatre
Loews 175th Street Theatre: A Movie Palace Preserved
“In 1929 and 1930, Loew's opened five ornate theaters in the New York area. One theater opened in Jersey City, the others were in the New York boroughs of Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Manhattan. Each of these 'Wonder Theaters' held more than 3,000 people; they were built for both stage and screen presentations, which was the norm at that time. Architect Thomas Lamb [1871-1942] designed 180 theaters in the early part of the 20th century; one of these is the 175th Street Theater, later known as the United Palace Theater. The last of the wonder theaters, its tall steeple beckoned to movie- and theater-goers alike.” MORE...

THF Collections Manager, Brechelle Ware and Volunteers, Jenny Meeker and Jim Hamilton continue to make good progress in managing and processing the Foundations archives and collections. We anticipate that the first sections of the online finding-aid index will be published in the next few weeks. The digitizing and management of the archives and collections of tiles, photography and ephemeral materials has been underway for the past five years with grant, sponsor and THF member support. The project will continue until it is complete - we anticipate by 2016.

For a a print version copy of the
THF Annual Report for 2013 click here

* Fund the Founders Legacy in 2014
* Capitalizing the Collections for Posterity
* Help continue to build the digital Finding-Aid Index providing online Public Access!
MAJOR DONOR INQUIRIES:We have an additional two year Archiving Fulfillment plan with budgets outlined for 2014 & 2015.(Details are available in a formal Strategic Plan document. Email:

(Contributions to Tile Heritage Foundation are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.)
Tile Heritage has a Tile of the Week Gallery building on FACEBOOK - enjoy it!
. . . . and please SHARE FORWARD the THF FACEBOOK page . . .
Click on images to see close-ups of all the tiles
“UNDER THE SEA” NCECA 2014 K-12 Ceramic Exhibition... showing many vessels and sculptural pieces by students K-12th Grade... and occasional wonderful tiles like these! By an 8th Grade student (unnamed) Batavia Middle School, Batavia, OH ( Teacher: Nathan Warvel) See all the entries CLICK
On March 17th. 2014 Tile Heritage lost a tireless advocate, supporter, historian, writer and friend. Tom was a highly regarded volunteer in his community of Palo Alto but not everyone was aware of his affection for ‘tiles.’ He is survived by his wife Ellen, an equally supportive tile lover and advocate. Tom also has a son and daughter and four grandchildren. There is a very honoring obituary in the MountainView Voice. A memorial service will take place on April 18 at 11 Lucie Stern Community Center Ballroom, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto.
Tom Wyman
1928-March 17, 2014
Palo Alto, California
Longtime ceramic tile and stone industries innovator, Henry M. Rothberg, born June 1, 1922 in Derby, Connecticut,
passed away March 17, 2014 in Manalapan, Florida. More.......
. . . Send Tile Heritage your ‘Tile Tales’ . . . email: Share pictures and stories of interesting installations both historic and contemporary as well as restorations and other tile treasures! Submission guide lines
THF Tile Industry Sponsors Gallery Links
THF Supporters and Members