
TILE HISTORY evolves every day . . . Tile Heritage Foundation is here to RECORD it!
SEPTEMBER 25-26 2021

Register today for OCT 24-26th

TILE HISTORY evolves every day . . . Tile Heritage Foundation is here to RECORD it!
FIND Tile Heritage AT BOOTH # 3233 with TCNA in the American Pavilion! COVERINGS Global Tile & Stone Experience! JULY 7-9 2021 - Register today!

Here is a list of CONTRIBUTING ARTISANS for 2021
Diana Mausser, Aileen Barr, Colette Crutcher, Elizabeth Raybee,
Andru Eron, Janet Ontko, Wilma Wyss, Nadine Edelstein,
Sheila Menzies, Katia McGuirk, Irene de Watteville, Jessie Pham,
Julianna Lange, Ivette Villiard, Tina Amidon, Josh Blanc
(artisan links to follow shortly)
Register Here for Tile Installation Training or Certification- many courses to choose from!
What is the CTEF?
The Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF) is an educational institution that offers local, regional, and national training programs for consumers, installers, construction professionals, architects, designers, building inspectors and sales associates interested in the sale and installation of ceramic tile.

Renegade Professional: My 30-Year Mosaic Journey
A Free Talk with Artist, Laurel True
Tuesday, May 4th4 - 5 pm Pacific Time

This is an opportunity to virtually engage master mosaicist Michael Kruzich for coaching/mentoring/ consulting, if you feel you need some help on a mosaic project you are working on. Michael was trained at the prestigious Mosaic Art School in Ravenna, Italy by Maestra Luciana Notturni and her colleagues. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, at the deYoung Museum in San Francisco 2020, “Embodied”, the 2019 SAMA Invitational Exhibit at Vanderbilt University, the Ravenna Mosaico 2017 Biennale, winning awards at the annual “Mosaic Arts International” exhibits in 2010, 2011 and 2015. Coaching can sometimes help you come at your work from a different angle, find a new solution to a difficult technical problem, or take your work to a new level.
Save the Date.. REGISTER Partners in Progress!

8pm EDT & at 5pm PDT . . DETAILS

June 15, 2020
Mario Botta: The Space Beyond
Streaming live at 8:00 pm ET with replay at 11:00 pm ET.

Before the film, there will be an introduction and conversation with Mario Botta and Christine Abbate. After the film, there will be a Q&A with the director, Loretta Dalpozzo.
Mario Botta: The Space Beyond had its US premiere at ADFF:NY in October 2019. The film focuses on Botta's churches, chapels, synagogues, and a mosque that he is designing in China. At 76, his practice is thriving and his desire is to focus on designing more sacred spaces. This intimate look at Botta's work reveals his passion, commitment and love of architecture.
The program would not be possible without the generous support of NeoCon, Eventscape, Teknion and NEEZO Studios.
Moravian Pottery and Tile Works 22nd Annual Tile Festival May 16-17 2020. has been canceled due to COVID-19 - however look for links here soon to Tile Heritage Spring & Summer on-line auctions for Delightful Garden Planters as well as Art Tiles from makers around the country!

. . one of the program aspects on Feb 29th . .
"Restoring Tiles in your Turn of the Century Home (Room 115A)
Presenter: Josh Blanc, Owner, Clay Squared to Infinity LLC"

Spring 2020 Mosaic Destination Travel

TILE MAKING at PENLAND this summer 2020

… to connect to Forrest and check out other workshops:
For his book on HANDMADE TILE:
2020 WORKSHOPS in Bell Buckle, TN
. . . or click image for details!

CALL FOR IMAGES by December 31st 2019 !
For details, contact Paul Lewing at
Do you use china paint on your tiles? Paul Lewing, author of “China Paint & Overglaze”, will be presenting a lecture entitled “The China Paint Revival” at the National Council on Education in the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) conference March 27-30th in Richmond, VA. CALL FOR IMAGES
Paul is looking for images of any kind of ceramic work using china paints, including tiles. As you may know, there has been a resurgence of use of china paint in the last 15 years among clay artists. Pauls website: For details, contact Paul Lewing at
NOVEMBER 10 – 16 , 2019
October 27-29, 2019 Nashville, TN
Event & Registration Details
NOVEMBER 2-3 2019
Open to tile makers working in any medium. Please consider joining us. We encourage all members, whether you choose to sell your work or not, to participate in the juried show.
… is teaching a free mosaic workshop at PAFA (Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts) this coming Sunday September 29th from 2:00-4:00PM as part of the Family Arts Academy series. If you have elementary age kids, grandkids or nieces and nephews that you would like to make some art with, I'd love to have you. No registration needed. She'll give a formal presentation at 2:00PM but families are welcome to drop in at any time. They’ll be creating mosaics inspired by the unique architectural details of PAFA’s historic building.
SEPTEMBER 15th 2019

Here's a UNIQUE opportunity... 30th ANNUAL TRADITIONAL NIGERIAN POTTERY and UDU DRUM WORKSHOP with Instructors: Abbas M. Ahuwan and Frank Giorgini. This year's program will be very special in that Prof. Abbas M. Ahuwan will be returning to the USA from Nigeria to lead the workshop along with Frank.

The Society of American Mosaic Artists Annual Conference!
2019 American Mosaic Summit – Nashville, Tennessee, April 23 – 28, 2019

Moravian Pottery & Tile Works 21st Annual Tile Festival 2019!
Please REGISTER to SELL by APRIL19th 2019 !
Festival dates:
Saturday May 18th 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday May 19th 10 am - 4 pm

Global Monumental Hand Print Mural . . .
Participate in 2019 in a NEW way!

TILE HISTORY evolves every day . . . Tile Heritage Foundation is here to RECORD it!

National Tile Day recognizes a timeless element of architecture and design. Around the world, tile plays a variety of roles, revealing its durability and flexibility over thousands of years. From the modest to the sublime, tile proves to be one of the most practical building materials.
Join in celebrating #NationalTileDay & be INSPIRED
WHY TILE? GOOD QUESTION .. . from the past to the present!
Why Tile is the tile trade’s first-ever industry-wide initiative designed to provide what we hope will be the information you need to make the choice for tile a clear and easy one.
More Educational Connections & Events 2019
TCNA - Resources and Services
The Tile Council of North America is recognized for its leadership role in facilitating the development of North American and international industry quality standards to benefit tile consumers. Additionally, TCNA regularly conducts independent research and product testing, works with regulatory, trade, and other government agencies, offers professional training, and publishes installation guidelines, tile standards, economic reports, and promotional literature.
CTDA- Educational Enrichment

The Ceramic Tile Distributors Association (CTDA) is an international association of distributors, manufacturers and allied professionals of ceramic tile and related products. CTDA connects, educates and strengthens tile and stone distributors.
NTCA - Workshops & Regional Training Programs

Established in 1947, the National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) is a nonprofit trade association dedicated to the professional installation of ceramic tile and natural stone. It is widely recognized as the largest and most respected tile contractors association in the world.
What’s on the Calendar at CTEF?

The Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF) is an educational institution that offers local, regional, and national training programs for consumers, installers, construction professionals, architects, designers, building inspectors and sales associates interested in the sale and installation of ceramic tile.
Tile Heritage embraces its Industry Sponsors! See
Want to know more about Tile Heritage? Quick link …CHECK HERE!
Useful Industry-wide Services to connect to … or a quick PDF link
30 Years of embracing, archiving and protecting American Tile History!
Henry Chapman Mercer: The Moravian Pottery & Tileworks of Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Presenter: Farley Tobin
February 7, 2017 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
$15 - $20 DETAILS
. . & EXHIBITION! Video
Batchelder: Tilemaker – through February 12, 2017
Batchelder: Tilemaker is the first local exhibit dedicated solely to the life and work of this extraordinary artist and educator. Ernest Batchelder.Exhibit curator, Dr. Robert Winter. DETAILS!
DONATIONS to Tile Heritage keep the Archives Index growing!
Batchelder: Tilemaker – through February 12, 2017
Batchelder: Tilemaker is the first local exhibit dedicated solely to the life and work of this extraordinary artist and educator. Ernest Batchelder.Exhibit curator, Dr. Robert Winter. DETAILS!

Annual Artisan Tile Northwest
Tile Festival - November 5th and 6th
SATURDAY WORKSHOPS - Leslie Ceramics & Crafts - Richmond CA

CLAY Festival lives on! Join artist Kathryn Allen during the Silver City Art Association's RED DOT Artfest & Studio Tour (ten art-filled days in Silver City, New Mexico!) for her clay architectural workshop. Participants will make their own bas relief tile, as well as work together to form a large bas relief mural.
Date: Sunday, October 9th, 9am-1pm Location: Kathryn Allen Clay Studio, 601 Erie Street, Bayard, NM 88023 Cost: $50, including all materials To register, please call Kathryn Allen at (575) 537-3332 or contact Callie Kennington at
Check out HTA's site
June 17– Entry Submission & Fee Deadline

TRUE MOSAICS … upcoming classes

TILE FESTIVAL MAY 14 & 15th 2016 details!

THF Tile Solicitation for 2016
Batchelder: Tilemaker – September 21, 2016 through February 12, 2017
Batchelder: Tilemaker is the first local exhibit dedicated solely to the life and work of this extraordinary artist and educator. Ernest Batchelder.Exhibit curator, Dr. Robert Winter. DETAILS!
In San Francisco
Honoring Millard Sheets: Master of Art & Design . . .

Free to Stone Foundation members, Gualala Arts members, Tile Heritage Foundation members and invited guests. (however you MUST REGISTER!)
HEAVEN ON EARTH 2016 with Donna Billick in Todos Santos, Mexico. January 4th-8th, 2016
A MAGNIFICENT DESTINATION WORKSHOP IN TODOS SANTOS, BAJA, MEXICO Ceramic handmade tiles and mosaic on 2D & 3D surfaces.
Special community build concrete couch and rug projects.
ART TILE - Exhibition of the Minnesota Handmade Tile Association
January 11 - February 10, 2016
Edina Art Center, Edina, MN
Important dates:
Entries due: January 4, 5- 9 am - 7 pm (Monday & Tuesday)
Opening: January 11, 5-8 pm (Monday)
Exhibition dates: January 11 - February 10, 2016
For more information contact: Sandra Shaughnessy
Edina Art Center 952-903-5780
Entry form
Find Tile Heritage here...

Nov. 7-8 2015 ATNW Tile Festival
Sign up NOW to sell …DETAILS
16th Annual Twin Cities (Minneapolis & St. Paul)
20th Century Design Show and Sale DETAILS

Image Transfer in Color event at Northern Clay Center

September 10th 2015

Moravian Pottery & Tile Works Classes 2015-2016

Something New! … check it out…
See who Sponsors Tile Heritage Foundation!
(past event) Silver City Clay Festival - PLAN to be there! details…
Taking place every summer in Silver City, New Mexico, the CLAY Festival
gathers together artists, educators, entrepreneurs, families, youth, adventurers,
and life-long learners to explore clay in its many forms as well as its impact on
our history, present, and future.Silver City, New Mexico.
Find Tile Heritage here...

Moravian Pottery & Tile Works
17th Annual Tile Festival 2015!
Saturday May 16th 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday May 17th 10 am - 4 pm
More Moravian details
Call for Exhibitors
Registration Information
TILE: Outside the Box.
A Tile Heritage Foundation fundraiser & SILENT AUCTION!
Bucks Country Gardens and Campania International partnered with KatiaTiles to bring you this exclusive collection of boxes made by locally selected tile artists. VIEW ALL BOXES & BID HERE!
The garden boxes were donated by Campania International. Each artist used their tesserae and their unique voices to create intimate worlds on the 5"X5"X8" boxes. Each box uniquely reflects an aspect of the 145 years tradition of handmade tile making in America . READ MORE…

Lecture not to miss in May “It Takes Tiles to Tango” presented by Richard D.Mohr … the Tile Whisperer
May 15th, 2015 Berkeley Hillside Club, Berkeley CA.

Of Cottages and Castles: The Art of California Faience
Exhibition open now through MAY 17, 2015
. . .William Bragdon was a ceramic engineer trained at Alfred University in New York. He moved to Berkeley in 1915 to teach at the California School of Arts and Crafts and shortly thereafter formed a partnership with his Alfred University classmate Chauncey Thomas, then running a Berkeley pottery studio. Together they created decorative tiles, vases, and sculpture, calling their wares California Faience…… More details ……
(past event) Call for Entry Deadline June 15th 2015 |

through December 31st! and will support:
1.Tile Heritage Historic Records Storage Facility -12 months $7,900 2.T |
Tile Heritage Foundation is a n
Your contribution is fully tax deductible as allowed by law.

Your '"LIFE'S WORK" is IN the TILE INDUSTRY - Manufacturers,
Makers, Distributors, DesignersJ. Andy Bauer (1856-1923), recognized among collectors today as the founder of the popular J. A. Bauer Pottery in Los Angeles, was born to German immigrants in Jeffersonville, Indiana and began his career in clay in Louisville, Kentucky before moving to Paducah. He purchased a small pottery there and began
The pottery was a successful business over the years producing arch mantels, embossed inserts and borders, bathroom accessories and a complete line of field tile and trim shapes. In 1923 the Bauers sold their interest to F. K. Pense, who changed the name to F. K Pense Tile Works in 1929, closing in 1940. Among the published catalogs is “Paducah Faience Tiles” (undated), a reprint of which is available from Tile Heritage for $14 (post included).
Special thanks to Nathan Lynn at the McCracken Public Library and Chris Black at Ray Black and Sons in Paducah, to the late Norman Karlson, Encyclopedia of American Art Tiles, and to Richard Mohr.

Mantels arise!
Markoff Mosaic Tile Corporation (1926-1945) was located at 1105-07 E. Redondo Blvd. in Inglewood, California abou a 15 minutes drive southwest of Leimert Park where this fireplace mantel is located. Little is known about the company other than the illustrations in the company’s catalog: 15 “arches” and 12 hearths. Harold Swenson was the first president followed by Harold Markoff in 1929.

Claycraft Potteries (1921-1939) was located at 3101 San Fernando Road in Los Angeles where two members of the renowned Robertson family of ceramists, Fred and his son George, took charge. Their forebears immigrated from Scotland in the late 19th century, initially establishing a pottery in the Boston area and from there branched out across the country. It’s a fabulous story and theirork ranks among the finest craftsman-ship in the U.S. from that era.

Claycraft mantel, Design 2510, is illustrated in the “Claycraft Mantel Designs” catalog published in the ‘30s when the pottery had moved to 3025-27 Fletcher Drive, not far from the original factory.
The Spanish Colonial Revival bungalow in Los Angeles that houses this unusual fireplace surround was designed and built by Cecil A. Gale in 1928.
CALCO in Oklahoma !

Sometime after Rufus Keeler, founder and superintendent of California Clay Products, left to organize Malibu Potteries in 1926, the company changed its formal name to Calco Tile Manufacturing Corp. The tiles are referred to as “Calco” regardless of when they were produced between 1923 and roughly 1932. Location: South Gate, California, directly south of downtown Los Angeles. Keeler is among a handful of the most respected and productive tile makers of the period. The “Mayan” fireplace and outdoor fountain are in pristine condition, thanks to the care of the current owners.

“Your information was extremely helpful. Attached are some pics from beginning to end. I am extremely happy with the results. After 20 years of owning the house, I decided to strip off the many layers of paint on the fireplace that me and previous owners had painted. The first two pics are the stripping process. After the s

To date this tile has not been identified.
Can you help?
“This is the final result. It looks great. I am extremely happy with the results."
"I am not sure if I will need to follow up with the English oil on a monthly or yearly basis. But it’s a 5-minute job and I don’t mind. Again, thank you for your great advice.”
Ben, thank you. It looks
The Late Phyllis Pacin: An Artist’s Talent Revealed

Phyllis Pacin, second from right, at a g
My lifelong love of both two-dimensional design and clay has manifested itself in my creating a new way to look at both ceramic art and painting. The result is fully realized paintings (that happen to be) fired in a raku kiln.

I design my work, arrangements of hand-rolled and textured raku fired tiles mounted on acrylic or wood, as free hanging pieces. While some are composed of square tiles, more often I work with parallelogram-shaped tiles, which I arrange into architectural compositions that have a trompe l’oeil illusion of three-dimensional form. Some pieces go one step further in tricking the eye by my “folding” the forms visually so that they look like actual three-dimensional objects existing in real space.
A synopsis of my tile making and firing processes: After I roll out large slabs of clay, I texture them with found objects. Then, when I cut the slabs into tiles, no two have the same textural designs. After the tiles are bisque fired, I lay them out for glazing

After I apply the glazes, either by sponging or brushing, I fire the tiles in a small raku kiln, four tiles per batch, until the glazes melt. Then with tongs, I transfer the red-hot tiles into a lidded metal container. Before closing the lid, I strew the tiles with pine needles to start the smoking process. The smoldering pine needles create a reduction atmosphere that pulls oxygen out of the tiles, resulting in vibrant lustres, crackled glazes and velvety, smoke-blackened clay. For me, part of the magic of viewing my finished work is watching how the colors and lustre glazes catch the light, causing each piece to change as the light shifts.
Phyllis passed away in the Spring of 2019. She was an early adaptr of 3D illusion in design on tiles. Organically abstract, playful, colorful luster glazes and frequently raku fired, her finest work was in architectural compositions. Phyllis contributed a strong voice in the art tile community of the greater Bay Area and beyond. She is greatly missed by family and friends. Phyllis's body of work is her legacy and is to be found in the Tile Heritage Collection, museum collections, public collections and private homes.
More about Ph
of Phyllis's work is noted.
. . . full details here or click on the image . . .