Thank you for Your Support!

THANK YOU FOR MAKING A CONTRIBUTION IN SUPPORT of Tile Heritage Foundation. Your assistance is valued and essential for the THF web-accessed ARCHIVES index! DESIGNED to KEEP THF HISTORIC DOCUMENTS ALIVE for posterity and PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE to everyone!

Donors in SUPPORT of Tile Heritage are listed in “SUPPORTERS” (and scroll down to the “Donors” list…. new donors will be added every two weeks during and after campaigns.)
(All contributions to Tile Heritage Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law.)
Currently our focus in on the ephemeral (historic & contemporary tile industry documents) files that contain roughly 40,000+ items.
To further protect these valuable historic documents as well as tiles , catalogs and periodicals, much has been moved to accessible, secured storage outside of the Tile Heritage Library and offices.

Work is well underway with the indices under the direction of a volunteer professional archivist. THF staff and other volunteers continue to develop the THF archives into the database finding-aid which is designed to enhance visibility and public access to these amazing records! It will be on-line accessible in the near future.

To date Sponsor, Member, Donors and Grant FUNDING Archiving accomplishments include:

Digitizing and forming a searchable database for the sizable slide and photography collection of over 42,000 images.

Digitally recorded, accessioned and archived historic tiles that have been donated to Tile Heritage over the past 32 years, representing a collection numbering over 4,000 different American tiles.

Accessioned and archived the historic tile catalog collection of over 600 items as well as the collection of over 3000 historic and contemporary periodicals.

(All contributions to Tile Heritage Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law.)
(If you navigated here from another location and would LIKE to make a donation? click here)

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