Shards 'n Snippets Spring 2020
15/06/20 16:11 Filed in: Shards 'n Snippets

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TREASURE TROVE - over 100 images (with locations and in most instances, makers) of historic tile installations on storefronts in the San Francisco Bay Area. A 'curated selection' from 1925 to 1940.
Documented and presented by SF Bay Area Tile Historian, Riley Doty. Here is an additional link the curator's introduction to the images and locations.
(you can also click on the IMAGE below to view the installations)

Tile Heritage - A Review of American Tile History Vol X No.2, has been printed and distributed to members and friends of the Foundation around the country, and to some extent, abroad ( where mailing is currently, safely possible.) You may already have received a copy in your own mailbox - we hope so!
TH Review is one of the best, fundamental tools that the Foundation produces that reflects the core of its ongoing mission. Its production is underwritten by Sponsors, Members, Advocates, Supporters and the public at large. We are very appreciative of the voluntary writing of the current contributing tile historians, Michael Sims and Victoria Jenssen, and the editorial skill, love and care at the heart of the publication and at the heart of Tile Heritage.
If you would like to purchase a copy, $12 post paid, please use this PAYPAL LINK to do so. Please provide your USPS mailing address in the Paypal notes area.
Questions? EMAIL:
Enjoy the latest POSTS and NEWS... tap the image…

During these unusual times of doing business DIFFERENTLY due to COVID-19, TILE INDUSTRY ORGANIZATIONS have good, INNOVATIVE RESOURCES, ENCOURAGEMENT & SUPPORT in place to assist!
Tile Heritage Foundation is an archival library dedicated to the preservation of ceramic surfaces and their history. We are looking for a volunteer (pro bono) grant writer and/or proposal writer.
DETAILS: click here or on the image below!

Through the generosity of THF Sponsor & Advocate, Tile Council of North America (TCNA), Tile Heritage Foundation once again has a highly visible 15 page, Guardian Of American Tile History section in the Tile Initiative within the 2020 TCNA Handbook (available online)
Calistoga, CA artist Anne Pentland specializes in creating work about endangered animals. This sculpture, finished in glass mosaic, is of a northern white rhinoceros, the last male of which died two years ago.

. . . Find the full story behind Anne's work here
. . . find CERAMIC TILES at ART-A-Whirl

. . . . tile making video….. click HERE or on the image

… A DECISION that impacts American Tile Manufacturers and the Art Tile Makers in America! Recently shared by Eric Astrachan of TCNA . . .

"As you may have heard, the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) ruled on April 30th that the ceramic tile industry “is materially injured by reason of imports of ceramic tile from China that the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) has determined are subsidized and sold in the United States at less than fair value.” ….Thanks to the efforts of the eight companies that brought this action, and their many supporters, members small and large will benefit. We hope the imposition of the duties we described will help our tile-manufacturing members flourish. We wish you and all our members great success and health . . . . Full text of this letter here . . . .

#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity May 5, 2020. Give to the organizations that you love most – Like FeedingAmerica™ in support of American Food Banks or CERF+
a safety net for artists.
… and here is the LINK to the very special CID Awards!
MORE DETAILS… Click HERE or on the image below . . . also go to:
Coverings blog for information and updates.

Experience .. some fun tile-making practices from here in North America and abroad...CLICK HERE or on the image ...

Dan Giannopoulos Photo Mural . . .
NOT what you might think from a distance . . . the coronavirus pandemic has had a massive impact on life as I knew it . . .
2020 TCNA Handbook THF Tile Initiative Section: