Shards 'n Snippets Fall 2015

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In San Francisco!
Honoring Millard Sheets: Master of Art & Design . . .
on Thursday January 14th 2016
(Full Registration is still OPEN!)
(& free parking available at SRMC)
Honoring Millard Sheets: Master of Art & Design
January 14—prior to Stonework Symposium 2016 in San Francisco, CA

Free to Stone Foundation members, Gualala Arts members,
Tile Heritage Foundation members and invited guests.
(however your MUST REGISTER to attend!)

Visit Michael Padwee's Tiles In New York blogspot
read about mid-century ceramist Jean Nison
"The Ceramic Tiles and Murals of Jean Nison" GREAT STORY!

a beautiful new book listing about the Chemla Potteries:
This book details the lives of the Chemla family and their ceramic interests from Haï Chemla through his son, Jacob (1858-1938), and his three sons, Victor, Albert and Mouche and their families. Jacob Chemla is credited with reviving the lost arts of Tunisian ceramics by perfecting a special glaze and blue color that had been thought lost.
The book is written in French and may be purchased from:ècle-céramique-dart-Tunisie/dp/2841623777
Stephanie Osser's sculpture “My Family Odyssey” is now in the Statue of Liberty National Park Ellis Island Museum permanent collection! Kudos to you Stephanie!
“The Sculpture, “My Family Odyssey” is a valuable contribution to the understanding of the personal lives of the immigrants who came to the United States through Ellis Island. The museum will use the piece in permanent and temporary exhibits, for loan to other institutions and for research by historians and others interested in the Statue of Liberty and American immigration.”
– John Piltzecker
Superintendent of the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island Museum National Park Service – United States Department of the Interior
Artisan Tile Northwest (ATNW) FESTIVAL!

THF Prize Winner at the ATNW Exhibitions was
Jaki Reed of Youthful Folly Studio.

Maria Root of Primitive Pottery was honored with The ATNW Award.
Terri Goodwin of Bright River Studio received
the Status Ceramics Prize.
Status Ceramics, a small ceramic tile manufacturer is looking for someone to fill the position of Lead Ceramist. This position will encompass our Forming (pressing, extruding, mold making) and our Glaze department. The 'Lead Ceramist' is retiring after some 23 years, and Status is looking for a qualified replacement: DETAILS!
(or click on the Status logo.) Status Ceramics is a Tile Heritage Sponsor.
Our thanks to Cynthia Batchelder (great grand-daughter of Ernest Batchelder) for sharing this wonderful picture of Dr. Robert Winter.. the 'keeper' of all things Batchelder in Pasadena - BRAVO Bob! You are a greatly valued historian!
Local Heritage:
Architectural Historian Robert Winter, Ph.D. Donates Personal Collection of Batchelder Tiles to Pasadena Museum of History - Items From Collection To Be On Public Display in Fall 2016 Exhibition. DETAILS:
Wow! Our thanks to ALL of our generous donors! THF received just over $5000! Everyone who contributed $100 or more had their name added to the random drawing for the FAB Bunny Panel created and generously donated by artist Irene de Watteville. The winner of the drawing is Arpi Nalbandian of Tileometry.
Thank you to the hosts of TOTAL Solutions PLUS 2015 – Partners in Progress in Savannah GA last week. It was a super networking opportunity, fun time, educational and a leadership conference for everyone involved in the ceramic tile industry.
Sheila Menzies of Tile Heritage Foundation is very appreciative of being generously ‘comped’ by the hosts for registration, hotel and travel to this event. It allowed for a unique experience in a relaxed setting to meet, greet, network, strengthen relationships, converse, be further educated and play with many THF sponsors, members and friends as well as, importantly, connect with new acquaintances and make friends for the Foundations’ future. It was a great opportunity to broaden the reach of Tile Heritage! Click on the image above to see over 1000 event images!
The conference was hosted by CTDA, NTCA,TCNA & TCAA and sponsored by these important tile industry companies and organizations:
. . . Architectural Ceramist Shel Neymark of Embudo, New Mexico sent us this super story. The mural was created by him and four teens: Mark Gonzales, Deija Fernandez, John Salazar and Brooklyn Seebeck- Sullivan, the multi-faceted tile mural is an eloquent and unique testament to the vast history that lives in the area.
See all the pictures and read the full story here or by clicking on the image . .
… at Tile Heritage Foundation

We had a fine and informative visit and lunch in Healdsburg last weekend with our very special THF Archivist & Advisor, Lynn Downey , as well as THF archives volunteers, Jim Hamilton and Jenny Meeker. Our archives volunteers ARE AMAZING! They have spent many hundreds of volunteer hours in the last two or so years - meticulously organizing files and populating the finding-aid database for the Foundation’s Archives Index.
OF NOTE! Dear Sponsors, Members, Donors,Volunteers and Friends - YOUR SUPPORT of the Tile Heritage Foundation’s ongoing Archiving Project makes this possible:
Tile Heritage Foundation has been accepted as a contributor to OAC (the Online Archives of California.) This is an immense validation! … and contributes to “access to the THF archives for posterity.” Postings from the Foundation’s Archives Digital Index to OAC will be ongoing and will start as soon as it is possible!

Sheila was hosted here… in late August for a much appreciated meeting with Eric Astrachan, Executive Director…. she also enjoyed a tour of the TCNA Tile & Stone Testing Lab, as well as tours of NBRC (National Brick Research Center) and CTEF (Ceramic Tile Education Foundation)… all amazing facilities!
…what does TCNA do?: find out HERE! …. it’s very useful to you!

THE THF PRIZE WINNER for “ Clay in the Garden” for 2015 … was “Charlie Up A Tree” by ceramist Barbara Schmidt.
Click to see all entries and prize winners .. and a close up…
WHAT? is Donna Billick (THF Board Member Emeritus) up to?
or . . .