E-News Summer 2022
06/07/22 19:06 Filed in: E-News

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Founded in July 1987 Tile Heritage is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. Supporters, industry sponsors, members, major contributors, grantors, advocates … everyone… have made possible the continued fulfillment of the Foundation's mission to Document and Preserve tile history in the US both past and present.Link to: The Relevance of Tile Heritage Today

E-News for Summer 2022
Here’s What’s Below
My “Patient Quest for Grueby Tiles"
Joseph Arthur D’Eath:
A Man with a Mission
More Nemadji Tiles
Quintessential Handcraft
“Up From the Deep”:
Mosaic Mural by Katharine Arrow
Honoring Tile Heritage Sponsors
Patient Quest for Grueby Tiles By Dave Smith, longtime THF member
In 1983, I traveled to St Louis to meet my future in-laws. I had always enjoyed antiquing and had recently gotten the bug to collect American art pottery. In one antique store on Cherokee Street, I was handling some antique tiles when the owner suggested that I look in the basement. Walking down, we found hundreds of new old stock tiles from circa 1900, Grueby, AETCO and Trent. The store owner said that they were rescued from the basement of an old hotel with the wrecking ball literally ready to do its work. There had been picture tiles but he had sold those. Over a period of a few years, I bought all the tiles as I could afford them, paying $5-6 per square foot of tile. . . . . . FOLLOW THIS STORY and all Summer E-News stories HERE! or on the image above . . .
PDF of CURRENT E-News Past E-News prior to 2010
Link to: WHAT'S in the COLLECTIONS of
We extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to all of the supportive PEOPLE in the LIFE of Tile Heritage! The Board of Directors, Staff, Volunteers, Sponsors, Members, Artisans & Advocates for their AWESOME SUPPORT for ALL these YEARS!
Tile Heritage Foundation is
Thank you!
How DID Tile Heritage come to be?
Thirty five years ago, around the first few days of January 1987, Tile Heritage Foundation was conceived . . . .

Thirty five years ago, around the first few days of January 1987, Tile Heritage Foundation was conceived . . . .