Shards 'n Snippets Fall 2016
12/11/16 15:23 Filed in: Shards 'n Snippets
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. . . . a lovely mural installed in Ibby's Restaurant in Mid-State Mall, East Brunswick, New Jersey by Abby Hoffman of Sacred Tile, North Brunswick, NJ.
From concept to finished mural: Design, Layout, Carving...wait patiently for drying...firing, glazing, firing, installation, border tile, grouting, aah, it's finished. Next it's fixed to panels, transported, installed and grouted. Come see the mural and enjoy some great food at Ibby's Restaurant in Mid-State Mall, East Brunswick, New Jersey.

Design & Installation details are available at Abby's website . . . or click on the images…

… apologies if you are not seeing images correctly here. Try using Safari or Outlook, currently Firefox & Chrome randomly drop images on our website, a fix is in the works.
Want to know more about Tile Heritage? Quick link …CHECK HERE!
. . . . a lovely mural installed in Ibby's Restaurant in Mid-State Mall, East Brunswick, New Jersey by Abby Hoffman of Sacred Tile, North Brunswick, NJ.
From concept to finished mural: Design, Layout, Carving...wait patiently for drying...firing, glazing, firing, installation, border tile, grouting, aah, it's finished. Next it's fixed to panels, transported, installed and grouted. Come see the mural and enjoy some great food at Ibby's Restaurant in Mid-State Mall, East Brunswick, New Jersey.

Design & Installation details are available at Abby's website . . . or click on the images…

The Willows Historic Palm Springs Inn restoration . . .

Diana Mausser of Native Tile, Torrance CA. - a master ceramist and Tile Heritage member has provided a wonderful pictorial look at a super restoration of The Willows Historic Inn in Palm Springs California. Native Tile created tiles for the pool and spa, exterior main entry stair risers and various small embellishments throughout the property. When designing colors and tile patterns for the Willows, Native Tile took inspiration from the historic Tunisian tiles on the dining room fireplace surround.

Michael Padwee has kept us well informed. Follow the recent developments here
Keep TILE PRESERVATION in situ to the fore!

Garden & Cemetery (Slave)Tile images:
Courtesy Smithsonian Collections, National Museum of African American History and Culture.
Some years ago THF attempted to research the origins of what are referred to in the south as "Slave Tiles", often found defining the boundaries in gardens and cemeteries. Savannah is one of these locations with a lot of the tiles. The information we have on file about these tiles is here. What is the actual history of these intriguing tiles? 'The jury is still out.' We have had an inquiry again recently from a curatorial intern at the Smithsonian that came to THF via board member Josh Blanc. We thought we would re-address the subject. Many original tiles were 'spirited away' and have shown up in the lucrative antique market place from time to time or been given to institutions as they were in this case.
The information we have on file includes notes about the authentically produced reproductions being widely used now in place of the originals which many historic sites in Savannah have taken up and stored for protection (from theft.) The artist who created the reproductions (Chris Phillips with the assistance of local sculptor Haywood Nichols) passed away in 2013. Tile Heritage has 2-3 fragments of the reproduction tiles in its collections, procured in 2007. We have no whole tiles. If you ever come across this style of tile anywhere it would be good to find out if they are historic or reproductions. Two sources in Georgia may be able to assist with that. There is a great desire by the historical institutions to have authentic material returned to Georgia.
Savannah History Museum
Georgia Historical Society