Shards 'n Snippets Summer 2021
15/10/21 14:47 Filed in: Shards 'n Snippets

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CORRECTION! Registration allows THREE (3) PIECES for $35 entry Fee! CALL-FOR-ENTRY
From Sea to Shining Sea"
JURORS for this Exhibition:
Brigid O’Connor, recognized tile designer, fabricator and contemporary tile influencer, & Alfredo Ratinoff, internationally recognized ceramic & mosaic artist and educator. Read the Juror's Statements
DETAILS: Become a SPONSOR of this event!
$1000 Exhibition "Hosting Sponsor”
Artisan Tile & Marble Company of NJ, Inc.
$500 Exhibition "Promotion Sponsor”
Silverlake Conservation, LLC.
1. Best in Show: $1000. NS Ceramic, Inc.
2. 2nd Prize: $750. ARTO Brick/California Pavers, Inc.
3. 3rd Prize: $500. ARTO Brick/California Pavers, Inc.
4. Spirit of 21st Century Tile Prize: $500.
Clay Squared to Infinity
5. Tile Heritage Prize: $250. Merola Sales, Co. Inc.
CORRECTION! Registration allows THREE (3) PIECES for $35 entry Fee!
Sale of work during the Exhibition: 50% Artists 50% Tile Heritage

Register today!

… a GREAT knowledge base……

New ready-to-use-resources highlighting
the healthy advantages of ceramic tile!
Tiling the future.......
Artisan Tile and Marble of New Jersey ( recently completed the ceramic tile work for general contractor Torcon, Inc. at the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) in their new Taxation Building in Trenton, NJ. Part of the installation included custom tile artwork in the south lobby consisting of 200 unique 12” x 12” x 2” tiles made with custom-built ceramic 3D printers……Here's the story! … or click the 3D printing image below ….

The tiles were designed and manufactured by Brian Peters at his studio in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
…some fun process…. or click the image…
Back to the future …….
… it's a BOOK for children and adults …"Mushrooms, A Story Told In Tiles" Available at AMAZON …
Tile artist Matt Matijczyk takes us on an alphabetical enchanted tile journey into the life and times of MUSHROOMS! … a new book created with historic processes ….Here's a LINK to DETAILS or click on the image.

COVERING 2021 in Orlando was really fun!
Coverings 2021 was a very well organized and well spaced event - certainly smaller in physical size, but not on impact. Useful educational sessions as well as live and virtual demonstrations were well attended. Of special interest was the presence of SAMA (Society of American Mosaic Artists) on site with a lovely100 piece small mosaics exhibition as well as an additional section with a virtual exhibition of mostly installed or public mosaic works.

The Coverings Lounge also hosted an ongoing live mosaic making demonstration by a local Orlando artist - very fun and opens the door for future tile and mosaic exhibits and demonstrations on site to become part of future hands-on and installation programs. It really was a very good feeling to meet up with so many tile friends and colleagues, sponsors and members.

There was a generous flow of attendees each day and I will say from my experience those three days, that in general, most people seemed unhurried and took more time to stop and chat, ask questions than during previous events - which always seemed a great bustle of activity. All in all it was very valuable for Tile Heritage and all exhibitors and organizations, for all of us to once again have face to face contact with one another, spread the word and accomplish some of the goals we set for ourselves, engaging with others in meaningful and fruitful ways!
Artisan Tile and Marble of New Jersey ( recently completed the ceramic tile work for general contractor Torcon, Inc. at the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) in their new Taxation Building in Trenton, NJ. Part of the installation included custom tile artwork in the south lobby consisting of 200 unique 12” x 12” x 2” tiles made with custom-built ceramic 3D printers……Here's the story! … or click the 3D printing image below ….

The tiles were designed and manufactured by Brian Peters at his studio in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
…some fun process…. or click the image…
Back to the future …….
… it's a BOOK for children and adults …"Mushrooms, A Story Told In Tiles" Available at AMAZON …
Tile artist Matt Matijczyk takes us on an alphabetical enchanted tile journey into the life and times of MUSHROOMS! … a new book created with historic processes ….Here's a LINK to DETAILS or click on the image.

COVERING 2021 in Orlando was really fun!
Coverings 2021 was a very well organized and well spaced event - certainly smaller in physical size, but not on impact. Useful educational sessions as well as live and virtual demonstrations were well attended. Of special interest was the presence of SAMA (Society of American Mosaic Artists) on site with a lovely100 piece small mosaics exhibition as well as an additional section with a virtual exhibition of mostly installed or public mosaic works.

The Coverings Lounge also hosted an ongoing live mosaic making demonstration by a local Orlando artist - very fun and opens the door for future tile and mosaic exhibits and demonstrations on site to become part of future hands-on and installation programs. It really was a very good feeling to meet up with so many tile friends and colleagues, sponsors and members.

There was a generous flow of attendees each day and I will say from my experience those three days, that in general, most people seemed unhurried and took more time to stop and chat, ask questions than during previous events - which always seemed a great bustle of activity. All in all it was very valuable for Tile Heritage and all exhibitors and organizations, for all of us to once again have face to face contact with one another, spread the word and accomplish some of the goals we set for ourselves, engaging with others in meaningful and fruitful ways!