![]() foundation@tileheritage.org ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Tile Heritage Foundation offers consultation in a variety of areas based on over 30 years experience in the tile industry. Joseph Taylor, co-founder and president, has expertise in sales, marketing and distribution of tiles as well as in history, the writing and editing of manuscripts on historic and contemporary tile subjects; while Sheila Menzies, co-founder and treasurer of the organization, offers advice in design, preservation and restoration of tiles. By appointment only. Fees: $60 per hour (charged in half hour increments). Member discounts apply. |
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Company/Organization: __________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________ County _________________ State ____ Zip ________ Phone: _________________________________ Fax: _________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
INITIAL RESEARCH FEE. The initial fee for research is $50. This fee will pay for up to one hour of research by THF staff, up to ten (10) photocopies, and shipping. Please note that there is no guarantee that information will be found. The fee covers the cost of providing the service.
ADDITIONAL RESEARCH FEES beyond the initial request:
If additional research is required for your request, would you like us to:
Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Tile Heritage Foundation, P. O. Box 1850, Healdsburg, CA 95448
Consultation / Research Request / Image Order Form / Image Reproduction & Other Fees /Conditions of Use & Copyright Notice/ Back to Top
Tile Heritage Foundation Photo and Slide Collection
___ Personal research and will not be copied, reproduced, or publicly displayed.
Statement of responsibility: I certify that the information on this form is correct and I accept the conditions of use.
Signature of Applicant: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________
Image description: Quantity/ Size/ Cost _______________________________________________________________________________________________
For scan request: dpi: _____; size (in inches) _________. Mac or PC (circle one). ___ Email (if under 3 mb) Ship via: ___ US Priority Mail. ___ UPS. ___ FedEx (Acct. # _____________________________________).
Total amount: _____________.
Make your check payable to: Tile Heritage Foundation.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Expiration: _____/_____ Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Image requests will only be processed upon receipt of both this form & your payment.
Consultation / Research Request / Image Order Form / Image Reproduction & Other Fees /Conditions of Use & Copyright Notice/ Back to Top
Tile Heritage Foundation Photo and Slide CollectionWhen ordering reproductions, please include appropriate identification numbers (when applicable), published references, photocopies (if available) and any other information that will assist us in identifying the specific image you want. Please state the intended use of each image when ordering (see Image Order Form).
Photographic reproductions are sold for personal reference use only and may not be displayed or published without
B&W negative or print Color negative or print duplication Scanned images (depending on the time required) CD Photocopy of photographs Slide, on loan for presentation (duplication cost included) Slide carousel, on loan, with or without script (refundable security deposit required: $100) Slide, purchase for presentation (duplication cost included) Video Rental (refundable security deposit required: $100) |
$25.00 plus vendor cost $15.00 plus vendor cost $15.00-40.00 $5.00 $2.00 $10.00 $100.00 $20.00 $25.00 |
Shipping/handling Research Fees Rush Service (within one week) as schedule permits |
Starting at $7.00 per order $50 per hour 100% surcharge |
The use of photographic reproductions from the collections of the Tile Heritage Foundation is subject to appropriate use fees as indicated below. Exceptions are made when a photograph reproduction is used for research/reference purposes and in-home display (including gifts intended for in-home display only). A publication/display use fee is charged for publication, display or other commercial use of each image. See Conditions of Use. Fees listed are for one-time, non-exclusive use. These fees are separate from, and in addition to, any other applicable photographic charges. All slides or photographic reproductions on loan must be returned within 120 days of delivery. A copy of any publication using the image(s) must be donated to the THF Library.
EDITORIAL USE: For editorial use within books, periodicals, and other published works
Non-profit use:
ELECTRONIC/FILM USE (video, film, CDs, web pages):
NON-EDITORIAL/ADVERTISING USE: For print and television advertisements, book covers, unbound materials,
postcards, posters, brochures etc.
VIDEOTAPING or filming of images at the Tile Heritage office, library or warehouse:
All photographic reproductions must carry the appropriate credit line where applicable. An example of a proper credit line is: Courtesy Tile Heritage Foundation. As other credit may be necessary, please check with THF staff.
Tile Heritage Foundation, P. O. Box 1850, Healdsburg, CA 95448
Consultation / Research Request / Image Order Form / Image Reproduction & Other Fees /Conditions of Use & Copyright Notice/ Back to Top
Tile Heritage Foundation Library, Archives, Photo and Slide Collection
CONDITIONS OF USE ![]() The Tile Heritage Foundation retains all rights to reproduction(s) of images including the right to grant others permission to reproduce the image(s). The applicant may not reproduce or permit others to reproduce the image(s). Additional copies must be purchased from the Tile Heritage Foundation. Permission for publication is granted for one-time use and only for the expressed purpose described in this contract. Any subsequent use or change in use constitutes reuse and must be applied for in writing to the Tile Heritage Foundation, and appropriate fees paid. Permission is limited to the applicant and is non-transferable. Permission for use is not granted until all fees are paid. All responsibility for possible copyright infringement, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity from the use of reproductions is assumed by the applicant. All reproductions must be credited in a caption or credit as follows: "Courtesy Tile Heritage Foundation." As other credit may be necessary, please check with THF staff. Credits should appear in close proximity to the image or in a special section devoted to credits. Slides and photographs on loan, used for reproduction, remain the property of the Tile Heritage Foundation and must be returned within 120 days or upon completion of the project described in this contract. Altering the original photographic image beyond standard cropping or resizing requires further discussion with the Tile Heritage staff. These changes must be indicated in the accompanying caption or label. The applicant agrees to provide the Tile Heritage Foundation with one copy of the work containing the reproduction. Revenue generated from public usage of Tile Heritage images, a collection unique in the United States, assists in the conservation and preservation of the collection. Thank you for your support.
All Tile Heritage Foundation photographs and slides are protected by international copyright and are the exclusive property of the Tile Heritage Foundation. These images are not free and are not clip art. They should not be downloaded for any reason. To obtain reproduction rights and prices refer to the appropriate web pages or contact the Tile Heritage Foundation directly. The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyright material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted works. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," the user may be liable for copyright infringement. The Tile Heritage Foundation reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of the copyright law. The granting of permission to publish by the Foundation does not absolve users of materials from securing permission from copyright owners and payment of such additional fees as the owners may require if the Foundation does not own the copyright or if the material is not in the public domain. Applicants assume all responsibility for questions of copyright and invasion of privacy that may arise in copying and in the use made of the photographic copy.
Tile Heritage Foundation, P. O. Box 1850, Healdsburg, CA 95448