Tile Heritage Foundation Photo and Slide Collection


When ordering reproductions, please include appropriate identification numbers (when applicable), published
references, photocopies (if available) and any other information that will assist us in identifying the specific image
you want. Please state the intended use of each image when ordering (see Image Order Form).

Photographic reproductions are sold for personal reference use only and may not be displayed or published without
payment of appropriate fees. All responsibility for questions of copyright that may arise in copying and in use of the
copies must be assumed by the user. Fees do not include state sales tax or shipping charges.
Tile Heritage member discounts apply: 20-25%. All sales are final.


B&W negative or print
Color negative or print duplication
Scanned images (depending on the time required)
Photocopy of photographs
Slide, on loan for presentation (duplication cost included)
Slide carousel, on loan, with or without script (refundable security deposit required: $100)
Slide, purchase for presentation (duplication cost included)
Video Rental (refundable security deposit required: $100)

$25.00 plus vendor cost
$15.00 plus vendor cost



Research Fees
Rush Service (within one week) as schedule permits

Starting at $7.00 per order
$50 per hour
100% surcharge


The use of photographic reproductions from the collections of the Tile Heritage Foundation is subject to
appropriate use fees as indicated below. Exceptions are made when a photograph reproduction is used for research/reference purposes and in-home display (including gifts intended for in-home display only). A publication/display use fee is charged for publication, display or other commercial use of each image. See Conditions of Use.

Fees listed are for one-time, non-exclusive use. These fees are separate from, and in addition to, any other applicable
photographic charges. All slides or photographic reproductions on loan must be returned within 120 days of
delivery. A copy of any publication using the image(s) must be donated to the THF Library.

EDITORIAL USE: For editorial use within books, periodicals, and other published works
For profit use:
___ Circulation/run less than 10,000: $100.00
___ Circulation/run 10,000 or more: $150.00

Non-profit use:
___ Circulation/run less than 10,000: $50.00
___ Circulation/run 10,000 or more: $80.00

For profit use in offices, public spaces, restaurants, private galleries, and retail spaces: $100.00
Non-profit use by museums, schools, governmental agencies and other organizations: $50.00

ELECTRONIC/FILM USE (video, film, CDs, web pages):
For profit use: $100.00
Non-profit use: $50.00

NON-EDITORIAL/ADVERTISING USE: For print and television advertisements, book covers, unbound materials,
postcards, posters, brochures etc.
For profit use: $200.00
Non-profit use: $100.00

Other commercial use: Negotiable

Subsequent printing and other uses are normally charged at one-half the original fee but should be verified and
permission granted beforehand.

VIDEOTAPING or filming of images at the Tile Heritage office, library or warehouse:
For profit: $100/hour
Non-profit: $50/hour
These charges are in addition to other use fees. This service is permitted at the discretion of the Tile Heritage
Foundation. Appointments must be scheduled in advance. All images must receive prior approval before use.

All photographic reproductions must carry the appropriate credit line where applicable. An example of a proper
credit line is: Courtesy Tile Heritage Foundation. As other credit may be necessary, please check with THF staff.

Tile Heritage Foundation, P. O. Box 1850, Healdsburg, CA 95448
Phone: 707 431-8453. Fax: 707 431-8455.