How to Order Books

Use the order form below. For each book, note the order number and purchase price, deduct 20-25% from the sub-total if you're a Tile Heritage member, add your local sales tax if ordered from California, and then add the shipping charges as outlined below. Be sure to print your name and street address clearly; orders may be shipped by UPS. Fax 707 431-8455 with your credit card number and expiration date (do not email your credit card number) or mail a check payable to the Tile Heritage Foundation to:

Tile Heritage Foundation
P.O. Box 1850
Healdsburg, CA 95448
Fax: 707-431-8455

Books sent via Media Mail unless we are otherwise instructed. Expect delivery in 1-2 weeks. Availability not guaranteed.

Shipping/Handling Charges are indicated as follows:
      (A) - $4.00 for the first book (additional books in this category, +$1.00 per extra (A) unit).
      (B) - $5.50 for the first book (additional books in this category, +$1.50 per extra (B) unit).
      (C) - $7.00 for the first book (additional books in this category, +$2.00 per extra (C) unit).
To determine shipping charges when ordering more than one book, start with the base charge in each shipping category ordered and then add the “additional” charge for any others books ordered in each category. For example, someone ordering a (C) and a (B) book would pay $12.50 for shipping; a (B) and 3 (A)s, $11.50; 2 (C)s, 2 (B)s and 2 (A)s, $21.00.

JOIN THE TILE HERITAGE FOUNDATION and enjoy the benefits of membership.
With a tax-deductible donation of $45/$60/$100* or more, receive “E-News,” a periodic news update, and Tile Heritage: A Review of American Tile History, when published. Take advantage of member discounts: deduct 20% from the total book cost (25% if you contribute $100* or more in annual membership dues).

*Link your website to

Name: ______________________________________________________________
Company: ___________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________  State: ________  Zip: ___________
Phone: _________________________    Fax: _______________________________
Email: _________________________________

Order#                          Title                                                                   Price                    Shipping






Total number of books ordered     ________

                    Total book(s) cost  $ ________

                     Member discount  $ ________

                                  Sub-total  $ ________

                   Your local sales tax  $ ________   
                   (if ordered from California)

                      Shipping Charges  $ ________

   THF Membership Contribution $ ________ 
($45 minimum; $100 provides link!)

           Grand Total Enclosed   $ ________

Please charge my Visa or Mastercard (circle one). I will not email my credit card number.

Acct. #:__________________________________    Exp. Date:________

Signature:___________________________________________________ (the name on my card is printed above)

Please  fax / email  (circle one) a confirmation of my order.

IMPORTANT ~ If books are purchased in California, it is essential to include your local sales tax.