Syzygy Tileworks
Silver City, New Mexico

In the 1980s the founders of Syzygy Tileworks, Lee Gruber and David del Junco, visited Fonthill in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, the home of Henry Chapman Mercer and his world-renowned Moravian tiles. With Mercer's work and his passion for his craft as inspiration, the couple opened Syzygy in 1993 demanding the highest standards of craft and creativity in their production of handmade tiles.

The tiles are made of high-fired terra cotta clay, forced into molds with a hand press. The resultant tiles are slowly dried and then bisque-fired. As specific orders are placed, the tiles are glazed to order and fired again, producing the finished product.

The underlying philosophy of Syzygy as it was founded was to be a regional tileworks emphasizing the rich and disparate cultural traditions of southwestern New Mexico-Mexican, Mayan, Mimbreno, Western-and that still remains a major focus. There is a heartfelt, underlying desire to leave an indelible mark in the community so that a hundred years hence it will be known that there was a functioning, creative tileworks operating in Silver City, New Mexico.


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