Sligo Creek Tile Co., owned and operated by Lynn and John Hume, is
nestled in the basement of the Hume's home on Carroll Avenue in
Takoma Park, just north of the District of Columbia. There is just
enough room for John, his handmade press, his electric kilns, mold
storage, and the cats. But because of their numbers, the cats are
relegated to the upper floors despite their willingness to "assist"
the determined tile maker. For them it would look like fun were they
to witness John swinging from the long handle when pressing, then
resting it on his head when removing the mold from the press. These
are handmade tiles every step of the way. Fresh from the mold, the
soft clay would yield so nicely to a cat's paw!
Sligo Creek tiles have a distinct appearance once fired. Like many
tiles from the Victorian era, they're low relief designs in porcelain
accented by a variety of transparent glazes that pool and flow,
highlighting each design. Opaque glazes are also available. Some of
the newer tiles are polychrome using the cuenca technique, raised
edges that keep glaze colors separate. The couple also produces
architectural pieces designed especially for fireplaces, kitchens and
For an Online Catalog of tile designs and installations visit