Raise the flag for THF! For the first time, four directors of the Tile
Heritage Foundation will be attending Coverings in Orlando, Florida: Donna
Billick, Riley Doty, Sheila Menzies and Joe Taylor. Tile Heritage serves as
a co-sponsor of this tile and stone exposition, the largest and most
important of its kind in the U.S., once again at the invitation of the Tile
Council of North America.
All Tile Heritage members are encouraged to attend! Register at
www.coverings.com by clicking on the registration icon
at the left of the screen. On the second page of the registration, ignore the request for a
6-digit code from a magazine or invitation unless you have one. You can
still continue to register without a problem. And where will you find us?
Under the flags in the North American Pavilion. Please stop by and say

During the Coverings convention, at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon, Joe Taylor
will be presenting a slide lecture on California tile history. It is timely
as it embraces the release of the 500-page, two-volume set of books,
California Tile: The Golden Era 1910-1940, which will be offered for sale at
the THF booth. This extremely appropriate collection of writings and superb
photography, published by Schiffer for the California Heritage Museum, was
written in part and meticulously edited by Joe Taylor.
Click here to order the books now!
The Tile Heritage Foundation has been honored to serve on the board of
directors of Tile Partners for Humanity (TPFH), and Sheila Menzies,
co-founder of THF, has appreciatively accepted the position. TPFH is a
partnership between the tile industry and Habitat for Humanity (HFH), an
international non-profit working to eliminate sub-standard housing. TPFH
works within the tile industry to raise awareness of HFH and to encourage
industry members to donate tile, installation materials, tools, cleaners and
sealers, labor and installation training to Habitat projects around the
country. This is no small commitment! TPFH has pledged, on behalf of the
tile industry, $1,250,000 worth of materials and labor over five years, and
the group is currently on track to exceed this pledge. Please take a minute
and visit www.tpfh.com to view individual partner pages, project pages, or
to pledge your support! If you are attending Coverings, make plans to attend
the TPFH session on Wednesday, March 24, at 9 a.m.
The Handmade Tile Association (HTA) in Minneapolis has recently published
The Upper Midwest's Tile Directory 2004, a guide to handmade tile makers and
tile resources in the region. This 32-page, full-color booklet represents 32
artists featuring tile, glass, mosaic artists, and sculptors with tile. Now
in its fifth edition the directory provides the choices and information
needed to make quality decisions with professional advice. For a free copy
of the directory write to Handmade Tile Association, 34 Thirteenth Ave. NE,
Minneapolis, MN 55413, call 612 781-6409 or e-mail
A reminder: Opus Veritas: Fragments of Truth, a juried mosaic exhibition
presented by Museo Italo Americano at Fort Mason on San Francisco Bay,
showcases some of the finest and most innovative mosaic artwork by both U.S.
and international mosaicists. The exhibition will remain open through April
6, 2004.