Tile Heritage Foundation

Take Advantage of Free Listing

The Tile Heritage Foundation is presently compiling information for the next edition of the Resource Directory. We need updated information from you. Unique in its content, breadth and format, the THF Directory is designed to be used as a resource by architects and designers, preservationists, historians, collectors, dealers, installers, as well as tile artists, artisans and manufacturers, among others.

Directions: Please circle the code below that best represents your primary occupation (or preoccupation). Circle the code next that represents your secondary interest and put a "2" beside the circle. You may make a third choice as well: put a "3" beside it. Return this form with your code(s) marked, and we will enter your information in the master database or make the necessary changes in your present entry. There is no specific deadline, but we encourage you to act now. Take just a moment and complete this form. Fax to 707 431-8455 or mail to Tile Heritage, P. O. Box 1850, Healdsburg, CA 95448.

All applicants receive an initial listing free of charge. The listing will include name, company (when applicable), address, phone, fax, e-mail and website. Your primary ("1 ") code choice will determine the placement of your listing.
NOTE: THF membership alone will not place you in the Directory; you must choose one or more codes to be listed.

Speciality Description: Tile Heritage members may submit a specialty description at no charge. Please limit your description to 170 charachers or less. There is a one-time charge of $20 for non members to include a specialty description.
Cost: The Tile Heritage Resource Directory is priced at $25 ($20 forTHF members). Members who contribute $60 or more each year will be offered the Directory for a nominal charge of $5 to help cover production expenses.

CODES: Circle first ("1 "), second ("2") and third ("3") choices as needed.

AB  Builder/General Contractor
AC  Commercial architect
AD  Decorator
AH  Residential architect
AI   Interior designer
AK  Kitchen/bathroom designer
AR  Restoration architect

CC  Tile contractor
CI   Tile setter
CN  Conservator
CR  Specialist in tile restoration

DA  Dealer of antique tiles
DC  Dealer of commercial tiles
DD  Tile distributor
DI   Tile importer
DR  Manufacturer or artist rep
DS  Dealer of custom tiles

EC  Educator/teacher
ET  Tile enthusiast

HA  Architectural historian
HC  Collector of contemporary tiles
HH  Collector of historic tiles
HS  Tile scholar/historian

MN  Museum without a collection
MT  Museum with tile collection

OA  Art-related organization
OH  Historical organization
OL  Library or ceramic dept.
OT  Tile-related organization

PA  Publisher: art
PH  Publisher: history
PT  Publisher: tile-related

SC  Supplier of clay
SG  Supplier of glazes
SM  Supplier of machinery/tools
SP  Supplier of maintenance products

TA  Tile artist/designer
TC  Architectural ceramist
TF  Tile manufacturer
TM  Tile maker (studio)
TP  Potter
TR  Specialist in historic reproduction
TS  Specialist in tile production
TT  Mosaic artists, suppliers, installers


Complete and return this form to Tile Heritage.




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Work Phone______________________Fax________________________
